Norwegian Buhund

Breed Notes 8th April 2022 Margaret Deuchar


The club held its AGM and fun afternoon at Shirland Village Hall in Derbyshire on Saturday 2nd April, luckily the weather was on our side and apart from a snow shower of just a couple minutes it was a fine, although on the way home we did have several sheet showers. The proceedings started at 10am, those of you who are members will have received the minutes of the 2020/2021 AGMs, which of course were run on the same day due to covid. The KC had approved the election of a vice chairman and Kirsty Irvine was appointed to the position. Nancy had decided to retire from the committee, having served in several positions over the years, everyone thanked Nancy warmly for her service to the club. Dr Sarah Stonton MRCVS had been proposed and seconded for the vacant position and was elected unopposed. The rest of the committee was also returned unopposed. There were 7 proposals on the table the first being that Jacqui Cobb was made an Honorary Life Member, in recognition of her lifelong commitment to the Norwegian Buhund. All those present were delighted to see Jacqui become a Life Member. The other proposals were discussed and passed expect for the one to request the KC to allow Buhunds to be shown on a ramp, like Bulldogs, Bassett Hounds, and a few other breeds. Jenny had brought a ramp for those with dogs to try. After a discussion there was a vote to acquire one for club shows and start to introduce the dogs to it, there were questions about use, with a vote again next year. The AGM ended at noon.

Lunch followed, everybody had been asked to bring a small contribution, these were beautifully laid out by Nancy, as usual there was enough to feed the whole village! and it was even possible to have a vegetarian table. Those joining us for the afternoon activities had arrived, so they were also able to enjoy lunch.

The afternoon started with the presentation of the new Michael Quinney versatile Buhund Awards. We had wanted to have an award system for some time to reward Buhunds that do various activities, and we also wanted to remember the late Michael Quinney who had done so much for the breed in the past, so this seemed a great opportunity to do both. Owner/dog teams can earn points across any number of activities.  Your highest achievement in each activity will be the one counted for that activity.  Each achievement in each activity will count once, where a dog/handler partnership complete multiple achievements at the same level this will not earn additional points, there must be progression in the activity to progress in the awards scheme. There are six levels, and each award has its own colour rosette. Dogs do not have ever entered the showring to gain any points, going on a Buhund Bumble and doing Discover Dogs will all gain points. Any queries contact Jenny, myself or Debbie.

The next activity was a sent demonstration given by Kirsty with Tapui Let’s Blaze, they started doing scent work last year and have competed in Level 1 trails. Kirsty had brought some boxes and luggage and items you find in the garden to search. Kirsty explained how to start doing scent and then I hid a scent file in the items smelling of cloves, for Blaze to find which he did on both occasions. We then upped the stakes with Time (Ch Rikarlo Gable JW) looking for a tiny piece of material scented with gun oil and hidden by Debbie, so I had no idea where it was, Time found the boxes and luggage search quite difficult, as Debbie had hidden it really well in a bag, but he persevered and found it. Debbie answered questions while the dogs were searching, and Kirsty told where further details of starting scent and competitions can be found.

Jacqui Cobb had laid out a Level 1 Rally course and demonstrated it with Knytshall Angel Delight and Knytshall Elouise. Everyone then had a chance to have a go, and James Stewart with his 14yr old rescue dog Thomas who had been with us right from the start of day also had a go.

We then had doggy games it was great that we had four puppies with us Otto (Frostisen Yenga) and Waffle (FrostisenYanky) and Ruby (Draccus Obsidian) and their young handlers, also Odin (Draccus Azurite) who came will breeder Lisa as his owner was away, but he soon had a young handler for the games. It turned out that as usual the adults were also up for doggy games, and if the children did not have a dog, they borrowed one, Eris (Leggatts Dancing Queen at Draccus), Loki Snowflake and Thomas also taking part, and Paul Martin with Ulfric (Wolfen Dancing With Wolves. We started with the fasted biscuit eater, the games were run in two heats with two from each heat going into the final where 1st– 4th rosettes were awarded, Betty (Ch Kimura’s Vera With Tapui )(Imp Nor) won hands down she is the fastest biscuits eater I have ever seen. Next was potato and spoon which again was hotly contended and was won by Samuel with Thomas. Then we had the potato and bucket where a row of potatoes must be put in the bucket one by one. To calm things down we had a sit, where the dogs walked round Debbie and when she said ‘sit’ the dog that sat last was out, there were again 4places. Lastly, we had a junior handling competition organised by Debbie and judged by Lorraine, again all the children managed to either show their own dog or borrow one, it was great to watch. This time all the children had an Easter egg and a toy for their dog.

While this was going on, Jenny was outside testing for the Bronze Good Citizen. She tested 10 handlers and their dogs and 8 out of 10 passed, after the games had finished the Good Citizen certificates and rosettes were handed out, one of those to pass was James with Thomas. The day ended with a showing workshop run by Jenny.

We have had some fabulous feedback about the afternoon, and it was really great to able have the fun afternoon again, after not being able to have one last two years. James said it was great to show the diversity of the Buhund as an all-round family pet, and even the oldies enjoyed themselves We were mindful though that covid has not gone away so all the food for the picnic was individually wrapped to avoid handling.

I have said on many occasions how grateful we are to those who give up their time to be on the breed booth at Discover Dogs, which is so important in getting the breed better know and in allowing prospective owners to find out about the breed. Aline Angus and her family have helped on the booth for several years and below are her thoughts on what it involves-: ‘On parking up at the N.E.C, there was a good walk from the car park past some woods to ensure that the dogs were properly widdled and pooped before we got in. Maisi (Arnscroft Di Cee Di Cee Di) is a bit of a of a barker to put it mildly and was gearing up to have a great afternoon barking at everyone and everything, but before we managed to get to the Buhund stand she had given up. There were too many dogs, way too much noise and just too much of everything for it to be worth her while. When we arrived at the stand, there were 4 Buhunds in residence already. It was Buhund agogo for a while there as the morning and afternoon shifts crossed over. The stand was manned (dogged) all four days by Lisa and Alex Strong with their dogs Loki and Eris, and all kudos to them, a half day is all we can manage. They looked after us, as well. As soon as we arrived at the stand, it was full -on chatting to the passers by and trying to keep the dogs from getting tangled. I had told myself that I would take more photos this year but ended up taking none at all. Loki and Eris had done two full days of meet and greet already, and were old hands, but Bosun (Arnscroft Di To Be A Bosun) and Maisi were out there, looking for love and attention from everyone. Anyone foolish enough to get down to their level was met with a wall of licks and fluff. The pair of them were happy to go out into the flow to try and hook people and bring them back. Unfortunately, Bosun blotted his copy book; just as I was telling someone what friendly, easy-going dogs they are, he had a go at Loki (Food, bitches, being on a lead, still entire, and stress of the day?) He was put into the pen to consider the error of his way, but that did not really work. He so missed his public that he yipped and yelped and finally tried to jump out of the pen, clambering right over me in the process. It is very hard to keep up a sensible conservation about how people – centred Buhunds are, when one is scrambling over your shoulder and leaping for freedom. The dogs calmed down after a couple of hours of their high-octane meet and greet and were happy to let people come to them rather than hunting them down. It was all over quite quickly with the Discover Dogs area being gently eased out from 4pm onwards. We did not ‘do’ anything else that day-apart from a few strolls with the 13 yr old round the stalls and looking for food to keep him topped up, Discover Dogs was the whole of our day. I love telling people all about the best dogs in the world, but we learn things too. As well as being a grumpy old man, Bosun is a big Buhund, and we hadn’t realised. Our first Buhund was recognised as being an Amazon in the breed, and we moved straight from her to Bosun. Maisi is very small specimen in comparison. We did meet up with other Buhunds last summer in North Berwick, but they were running around and jumping in the sea. However, the chance to spend a few hours up close and personal with 4 other Buhunds meant we could see that he is a big chunky boy. I could never work out how other owners could pick up their dogs for a nice photo, but I understand that now!’ Thanks Aline.

Stay safe everyone.

Margaret Deuchar

The views expressed in Margaret’s Breed Notes are hers and hers alone and do not necessarily reflect the views of the Norwegian Buhund Club of the UK