Norwegian Buhund

Breed Notes 10th April 2020 Margaret Deuchar


I am writing these notes on Palm Sunday, normally I would have been to church and been given a small Palm, but like everyone else life is so different now. I am sure like me, many of you have friends who think that they either have or have had the virus, some have been really ill but happily all have or are recovering. However the soaring death rate country wide, and the fact that to day came the announcement that Lord Bath died yesterday of the virus, and a 5yr old boy died during the week, just goes to confirm even further it does not matter who you are of where you are, we are all at  risk, so take care and stay safe.

Our Obreedince team should be at a competition today with some also doing Rally, whether we will be able to do any competitions this year remains to be seen, far too early to think about that at the moment. Daughter Debbie and partner Richard had their caravan serviced just before the lock down, as they originally planned to go to Cornwall for a short holiday and compete at an agility show over Easter. Debbie says that now that is probably the only trip out the caravan will have this year. Training for agility is of course one of the canine disciplines that is not so easy to practice at home, as opposed to rally, scent or the other activities that do not need so much space.

Depending where you live walking the dog/s may not have changed or can be really difficult, I have a friend who lives in a third floor flat, in London she only has Toy Dogs (Yorkies), but it is real difficult especially as one is a puppy, she was taking them for several walks a day but now can’t do this, socialising puppies at this time is also really difficult.

To keep these notes going I am hoping readers will get in touch and tell me how they first decided to have a Buhund, and in some cases how they chose their Affix.

This week my thanks go to Brenda Bethell who tells us how she and husband Tony chose to have Buhunds and their affix. She writes: – ‘I retired from full time work in August 2010 at the age of 63. In the same month Ruzuna Precious Princess at Taevas joined our family. This young Doberman proved to be very special and as a family we started to attend Dog Shows. Tony and I found these very enjoyable and after much discussion we decided to have a show dog of our own. Given my advancing years and waistline, we decided that a Dobe was not our show dog of choice, as much as we love them. Having 2 grandsons the breed needed to enjoy the company of young children, not be too small that we could fall over them, and not too large to tank me off around the ring. Research led us to the Norwegian Buhund. As so many know there are few puppies being born in the UK, and therefore we were on a waiting list. 16 months later Ch Arnscroft Kiss and Tell Di for Sturtmoor had puppies on the 31st March 2012 – 2 boys and 2 girls. 9 weeks later Arnscroft Glad Di Ola joined the family. What a delight to be owned by a Buhund! Freya is such a wonderful girl and has taught us so much, with the added bonus that we have met some lovely people. One Buhund is not enough and in July 2013 we imported our Freddy with the hope to have some puppies. As these would be pedigree dogs we wanted to register them with our own affix.   Several names were proposed to the Kennel Club but were not accepted.  So instead of being able to use variations on our names, deep thought led us to Minforst – which translated from Norwegian means My (min) First (forst). We hope that the Tokyn litter born in 2015 is not the only litter to be registered using the affix’.

Thankyou Brenda, very interesting. Brenda and her husband now live in Eire, and Freddy is now Ir/Int Ch Zodiac’s Fredrik of Minforst Jun Ch CW19 and they have Freddy and Freya’s homebred daughter Ir Ch Minforst Gladriel CW19.

Margaret Deuchar

The views expressed in Margaret’s Breed Notes are hers and hers alone and do not necessarily reflect the views of the Norwegian Buhund Club of the UK.