Norwegian Buhund

Breed Notes 11th March 2022 Margaret Deuchar


Last week in my notes I said how I liked to write about things owners do with their Buhunds, and I told you how Lillian Rumsey had started Mantrailing with her Darcy (Kata Syndattir Av Fjeldvidda At Wheatshade(Imp NL).This week Lisa Strong tells me about  a very busy weekend she had, one day having a Buhund Bumble with other owners and their Buhunds, and the next day doing agility and ring craft.

‘This weekend 26/27 February has been a busy one. On Saturday afternoon Buhunds Eris, Jack, Loxy and Teya met up at Hinchingbrooke Park along with their owners Lisa, Sarah, Sue and Martin for a walk, as the weather was very nice and sunny the water levels around the lake had dropped. The Buhunds were very happy to see each other and the humans and demanded lots of cuddles off the humans before we could set off. Shortly after setting off Eris spied a rabbit and went bounding off after it with Jack in tow, but both soon returned back to the group, and we all set off round the lake. The recent rain had made the lake levels quite high and meant that there were sudden drop offs underwater that couldn’t always be seen, as a result when the Buhunds decided to head into the water they ended up swimming a lot sooner than they expected, but apart from a surprised look on their faces they were unfazed as they all know how to swim. It is amazing how a couple of days of sunshine has kick started Spring, there were green buds on trees, daffodils out and a couple of trees were in full blossom. Grebes were on the lake starting their courtship dances and for the first time in months I didn’t need my thick walking coat. The Buhunds happily ran about investigating things, chasing each other and jumping in and out of the lake for a paddle or a swim. At our usual spot we stopped to throw sticks into the water for them to swim out to collect and the Buhunds also played with some other dogs. After finishing the walk, we stopped off at the café for a hot drink and the Buhunds chilled whilst we chatted and drank our drinks. Before we knew it, it was past 4pm so back to the cars to make our way home.

The next day I headed out with Eris for an agility training morning with Helen Murphy being held near Wisbech. There were 4 Groups depending on the ability of you and your dog with a max of 4 dogs per Group. Eris and I entered Group 2 which was for dogs doing some equipment (group 1 was for complete beginners). We were given an initial course to run to see what our capabilities were so Helen could identify what things each handler and dog needed to work on. I soon discovered that a lazy sit is not acceptable when Eris is in a sit and wait, whilst I move up the course a bit (means the dog starts slower as they have to adjust their weight more as they set off) and that I need to not stop moving as it makes Eris either slow down or hit the brakes. We were given several sequences to run with a chance to practice several techniques, and by the end of the session were moving a lot more fluidly around the course together and came away on a positive note, and with things to work on to improve.

Once home Eris had a rest whilst I set up the garden for a mini ringcraft practice session as the owners of one of Eris’s daughters have just started showing. The family has 2 children who are in the same age group for junior handling, but only one dog who can go in the show ring, so we decided to see how their eldest and Eris worked together. The session went well and when we went for a short walk afterwards Eris paid attention and walked nicely with her junior handler, so they are going in the ring together for the first-time next weekend.’ Thanks Lisa you certainly had a very busy weekend. Eris is aka Leggatts Dancing Queen At Draccus . Jack is Ch Arnscroft In Di Ana Jack R1EX L1ex.Loxy is Trelowen Andrea AW (S)L2ex. Teya is Arnscroft Di Amond Pearl and Eris’s puppy is Draccus Obsidian.

I did not have nearly as busy weekend but on the Sunday husband David and I travelled with Time a couple of hours down the M40 to Solihull, for a Level 3 Scentwork UK Trial. The fun UK trials are based on detection style nose work, as used by customs and excise, bomb explosive, search & rescue and medical detection dogs (some dogs are now used to look for people with covid). The levels are 1-8 and progression is by passing the individual levels at any trial organised by Scentwork UK, who have a national standard. The odours the dogs must find are cloves in Levels 1 & 2. Cloves and Gun oil in Level 3-5, then 6-8 Truffle oil is added. The scented hides are made using 3cmx3cm pieces of material, ideal is pop socks. For Level 5 and upwards the pieces of material are 2cm x 2cm. There are rules for each level as to where the judge can hide the scented items. The dogs must find the scented hides, the winners are the dogs that find the most number (hopefully all) of hides in the quickest time, the handler also gets 5 handling marks for each search, with marks being deducted for tight leads and not allowing the dog to search properly. There are 4 places with points awarded from 10 8 6 & 4 and if you qualify (the dog has to find a certain number of hides) but are not placed you earn a point and two if dog finds all the hides (clean sweep). Once the dog & handler have gained 20poins in L1-4 or 30points in L5-8 they are awarded an Excellent Rosette, the dogs can remain at that level, but no more points are awarded. You can move up once you have qualified at a Level, but I prefer to stay in the level and obtain an Excellent, so that I know Time and I understand that level. I have seen dogs move up in other activities before they are ready, and then cannot cope with the higher level. This was Time’s fourth Level 3 trial he qualified at the first one but only gained 1 point only finding 6 out of the 8 hides, he did not qualify at the next one, then last weekend he was 3rd and this time I was thrilled as he was second, he now only needs 3 more points for his Excellent, so we will see we see what happens at the next trial in a few weeks’ time. Jack also does scent and is in Level 2, Loxy is in Level 3 and Time’s younger brother Blaize is in 1. Time is aka Ch Rikarlo Gable JW. L2 ex.

There will be scent demonstrations at Crufts on the Thursday at 11.50am and Friday at 11.10am in the Good Citizen Ring in Hall 3 if you are there and are interested in finding out more.

Next week I look forward to writing about one of the other activities Buhunds regularly take part in ‘showing’, the first time since 2020 that I can write about Crufts.

Stay safe everyone and hope to see some of you at Crufts.

Margaret Deuchar

The views expressed in Margaret’s Breed Notes are hers and hers alone and do not necessarily reflect the views of the Norwegian Buhund Club of the UK