Norwegian Buhund

Breed Notes 11th May 2018 Margaret Deuchar


What a difference a week makes, one Saturday it is so wet that many outdoor activities are cancelled, the following Saturday there is wall to wall sunshine over most of the UK, no clouds in the sky and record breaking temperatures for the early May Bank holiday. No Champ shows to report but as usual Buhund owners have been out and about with their canine companions. Millie Lambert took her Sturtmoor Eezee Luvva to Hereford & County Kennel Society, Bridge Street Sport Centre Leominster,where under Hazel Fitzgibbon she was Best AVNSC  & PG4.

On the other side of the country Sarah Stonton took her Trelowen Andrea AW(S)(Loxy) to Dog Vegas Agility show  at Ramsey  Huntingdon, a local show for Sarah being only a 9 mile drive from home. Loxy had a good day gaining a 2nd in Grade 6 jumping.

Fizz (Ch/Bel Ch Tonylynn’s Charles Lafitte AW(G)) & I also set off on the Saturday morning for the same part of the country, for some reason though I managed to put the wrong post code into my sat nav, ending up going much further than I should. I have always found that if you are lost, ask a dog walker! I found a very helpful man who was walking his two elderly spaniels; he told me I was miles away! Luckily as the venue hosts many events and he knew where it was and was able to give me the correct directions. It is a beautiful estate, cowslips over the grass, bluebells in the woods and skylarks singing. Fizz had 5 clear rounds over the three days including a third and fourth in grade 4 jumping. He was entered in a few more classes but because of the heat he only did the ones that were early in the morning, spending the rest of the days enjoying the shade in the garden round the caravan.

I have heard from Maureen Lake who is training Fern (Knytshall Cora Sun Drop of Maubrea) to do scent work. She tells me they will be taking part in a competition on May 27th at Chenies in Buckinghamshire. There are fifteen minute slots; Fern’s is at 10.30am between two GSD’s one at 10.15am and the other at 10.45am both from the same club. Maureen says she has no idea how they will do, at home Fern loves her scenting. They practice by having a drop of gun oil in a little pipette pushed into the wall or some such crevice, then Fern has to point with her nose to indicate it is there. She is good at that, though the dogs should keep their nose pointing to indicate the scent is still there, Fern apparently indicates, and then likes to look at Maureen to see if she has seen her. She loves the retrieve, the trouble Maureen says she should bring it to hand and give it to her, but she tends to get so excited and eager to get the next item, she gets to about four feet from Maureen and then throws it at her! then dashes off again. This will lose Fern a point and Maureen is not allowed to take a step forward to take it, before the item hits the ground!  Maureen is waiting for a hip operation and hopes the competition takes place before she gets the call.

Margaret Deuchar

The views expressed in Margaret’s Breed Notes are hers and hers alone and do not necessarily reflect the views of the Norwegian Buhund Club of the UK