Norwegian Buhund

Breed Notes 15th April 2022 Margaret Deuchar


Following the AGM, the annual club trophies won by members are always handed out. Many thanks go to our Trophy Steward Jacqui Cobb, who keeps track of all the Trophies and makes sure that they come back at the right time, so they can be handed out to the next recipient. No mean feat when you bear in mind that there are two open shows, two Ch shows and the annual awards to keep track of. Jacqui also provides laminated cards with the name of the trophy and the winning dog, which can be kept when the trophy is returned. The awards are worked out from points gained in shows, usually from 1st January to 31st December of the previous year, of course last year the show season did not really get under way till July. How the points are worked out can be found on the club website.

Buhund of the Year, Nancy Kent and Jacqui & Michael Cobb’s Ch Koromandel Best Served Cold At Knytshall (Jamie) bred by Jenny Shorer -Wheeler, he is by Ch/Can Ch Kyon’s Bold Norseman x Ch Maidofcopper For Koromandel JW (Imp Fin). Runner up Buhund of the Year Millie Lambert-Dovey’s home bred Sturtmoor’s Free’n Eezee(Sheira) by Jamie x Sturtmoor’s Eezee Luvva. 3rd My and daughter Debbie’s Ch Rikarlo Gable JW 3EX (Time) by Jamie x Ch Kimura’s Vera with Tapui(Betty) bred by Lorraine Bolton. Joint fourth Maddy Norman’s Ch Arnscroft Delilah At Veekay(Lottie) by Ch/Ir Ch Arnscroft Di To Be A Sailor x Ch Arnscroft Di or Comply bred by Di Stirling, & Kirsty Irvine’s Ch Vera with Tapui (Imp Nor) (Betty) by Nordic/Int Ch Kimura’s Peer Gynt x Nor Ch Kimura Nelly bred by Katherine and Terge Lindstrom

Top Puppy Kirsty & Alex Irvine and Callum Gillies homebred Tapui Let’s Blaze by Jamie x Betty. Runner up Michael Patrick and Leigh Ashman’s Tapui Starla (Blaze’s litter sister).

Points Winner Dog 1st Jamie.2nd Time with the Osebergskiets trophy. 3rd Blaze. Joint 4th Sarah Stonton’s In Di Ana Jack RL1 1EX (Lottie’s younger brother), & Anne Smith Ch Arnscroft Never Say Di (Oskar) by Ch /AKC Ch Visions Dino of Trollheimen (Imp US) x Arnscroft Di Sing In Ice bred by Di Stirling.

Points Winner Bitch 1st Sheira Joint 2nd Lottie & Betty 4th Jenny Shorer-Wheeler’s Ch Maidofcopper For Koromandel Imp Fin JW(Piika) by Nor Ch Gnipagrottan Qu x Swe/Fin Ch Cipacan Milla Magia and bred by Anna -Leena Laakso.

Claude Knights Trophy Best Veteran Sarah Stonton’s Trelowen Andrea AW(S)2EX(Loxy) by Ch Trelowen Conar Tun x Trelowen Kyoo bred by Sue Sercombe. Runner Up Neil Hood’s Ch Arnscroft Di Na Sawr Us Rex ShCM/ShCEx/VW) (Dino) by Ch/Ir Ch Arncroft Kimura x Ch/Ir Ch Arnscroft Di -Nahs -Mite, bred by Di Stirling. 3rd Nancy, Jacqui & Michael’s Ch Trelowen Veryan To Knytshall RL1 by Ch Knytshall Ferdig x Int/Ir Ch Trelowen Yn Tek To Benzara bred by Sue Sercombe.

The Margaret Jenkins Trophy for the most wins in Post Gradate classes Mary Dosson’s Kligenthal Bran Mak Morn (Teddy) by Ch Arnscroft Di Na Mo Farrah Of Koromandel JW ShCM x Koromandel’s Gild Lily (Hildy) bred by Lesley& Liz and Butterworth.

The Glenguard Trophy for the most Limit wins, Time. Best Home Bred Dog, Blaze. Best Home Bred Bitch, Sheira. Top Stud Dog, Jamie. Top Brood Bitch, Pikka

Top Winning Litter, Jamie & Lesley and Liz Butterworth’s Hildy. Crossland Trophy for oldest Buhund winning first, second or third CC  Loxy.  Friochan Anton Trophy for Top Winning Owner/s Nancy Kent & Jacqui & Michael Cobb. Elias Moreto Trophy for Best Black. Sue Crocker’s Knytshall Noor Ul Ain by Knytshall Diamond Ted x Trollheimen Elske To Knytshall bred by Nancy,Jacqui & Michael. Squirreldene Trophy for the Breeder of the Year Jenny Shorer-Wheeler (Koromandel). Fossfell Presidents Trophy for Breeder of Buhund of the Year. Jenny Shorer -Wheeler (Koromandel). Activity Trophy for Points Gained in Activities over the past year. 1st Time 2nd Loxy 3rd Jack. Adoram Lucy Trophy for points gained in AV/AVNSC classes at open and Ch shows Dino.

Rosettes were then given out for the new Champions, Sheira, Betty & Time. There was also a rosette for Dino on his retirement following a very successful show career, not only being a Ch but also gaining the ShCM/ShCEx/VW awards.

Following lunch and during the Fun afternoon as I said in my notes last week, Jenny spent the afternoon testing 10dogs for their Bronze Good Citizen, of which 8 passed. They were Liz Butterworth with Hildy (Koromandel Gild The Lily), Robert Jones with Otto, (Frostisen Yenga) Kirsty Irvine with Betty (Ch Kimura’s Vera At Tapui ) (Imp Nor), Jonathan Martin with Ulfie (Wolfen Dancing With Wolves), Bethany Guillard-Rees with  Ruby(Draccus Obsidian),Nick Guillard with Razza his Sprocker, Jacqui Cobb with Knytshall Elouise and last but certainly not least James Stewart with Thomas.

Congratulations also have to go to Toni Kania with Eric (Gladidegelli Erik Trana) who on the 22nd March took and passed the KC Gold Good Citizen Test

The day after the AGM and fun afternoon Mary Dosson and Lisa Strong had another busy day, Mary wrote and told me -: ‘Lisa and I attended the Chippenham and District Canine Society Show held at West Wilts Equestrian Centre, there were no Buhund classes, so we entered the AVNSC classes. Lisa was looking after one of her puppies Draccus Azurite (Odin)who was attending his first ever show, he was in a strong class of 5 and showed very well not being at all worried by the show scene. My Teddy (Kligenthal Bran Mak Morn) won the 4 strong limit class. Lisa then took Eris (Leggatts Dancing Queen at Draccus) into the open class of 10 she showed really well and came second. The judge was Lynn Dumbrell (Bethlyntee). All the Buhunds then did a stakes class and whilst no money was won, we all had a great time.’ Thanks Mary a very busy weekend.

Stay safe everyone.

Margaret Deuchar

The views expressed in Margaret’s Breed Notes are hers and hers alone and do not necessarily reflect the views of the Norwegian Buhund Club of the UK