Pastoral Day at the East of England Ch Dog which is held on the East of England Agricultural showground Peterborough was the Friday. The Agricultural Society goes back to 1797 with the focus then on rural life in the East of England. It now caters for the rural and urban populations, the Ch dog show started in the early 1960’s and is organised by the Agricultural Society and until relatively recently the agricultural show and the dog show ran side by side. Then a few years ago one wet summer the showground was flooded the night before the show started. The dog show moved inside into the arena, with no benches just rings, the Buhund ring was in the judge’s area! but the Agricultural show was cancelled and did not survive the financial loss. The dog show was then incorporated into a new event called ‘Just Dogs Live’, which had Demonstrations and Competitions for the general public and a separate Agility show, and on two occasions there were also Obreedience Heats in which our Quatre Bu team took part. Then in 2020 covid struck and the show was cancelled, last year the show went ahead, and like most shows it was completely outside and on the left of where the show is normally held. The car park however was a nightmare as a large part of it had been taken over from the beginning of the pandemic as a covid testing sit, and many cars were being parked right away from the car park area. The showground covers approx. 165 acres and there are plans later next year to start a £50 million regeneration of the site into a purpose-built leisure resort, with up to 500new jobs and many leisure and entertainment opportunities for Peterborough. Head of events at the arena Pamela Newbold said “the development will not change how the majority of our regular indoor shows and events are run”
We do not CCs at E of E anymore having lost them in 2019 when the KC created 6 new All Breed Ch shows, and our set went to Leeds. We are always very grateful to the shows that keep the breed on with no CCs, otherwise as I have said before the show scene would be rather sparce. Our judge was Cath Moffat who started judging in 2003 and now gives CCs in several pastoral breeds.
We were third in the ring after 35 Welsh Corgis and 5 Australian Cattle dogs. However, as it was a Friday, we decided on an early start never knowing what the traffic will be like on a weekday, with an hour and a half journey in front of us. We had a good journey with no hold ups and arrived just in time to watch Marie Corin who also had an early start go in the Open Stakes with Kligenthal Almuric(Bergen), where he was a very credible 5th winning money, the judge should have been judged by Anthony Allen but was changed to Cath Moffat.
It was a very hot day but happily we were in the arena with our ring in front of our benches, and there were only 8 rings in the whole hall where normally Boston Ch show is held, so there was plenty of room and we actually had rings 5/6 together so fantastic for moving the dogs and the concerted floor was covered with green plastic sheeting. There was a small but quality entry for Cath Moffat who found her BB and BOB in Maddy Norman’s Ch Arnscroft Delilah At Veekay (Lottie) she is by Ch/Ir Ch Arnscroft Di To Be A Sailor (Sirius) x Ch Arnscroft Di Or Comply, she has 6CCs and 10RCC, and was also BOB here last year.BD was Sarah Stonton’s Ch Arnscroft In Di Ana Jack RL1ExL2ex who is on a roll having won his 10CC at Windsor, he also has 9RCCs and is Lottie’s elder brother. RBD was Marie Corin and Adam Camm’s Bergen he has 4 RCCs and is by Ch Arnscroft Di Na Mo Farah of Koromandel JW ShCM (who is Sirius’s litter brother, so quite a family affair) x Ch Koromandel Gild The Lily.
Two days later Sunday 10th was a good day in scent competitions for Kirsty Irvine’s Tapui Let’s Blaze and his elder brother my and Debbie’s Time. Blaze was fourth in a Level 1 trial and gained his ‘Excellence’ meaning he had gained 20points at that Level, he also had a ‘clean sweep’ meaning he found all the hidden scent hides. Time was 3rd in a Level 4 trial and now just needs one more point for his ‘Excellence’ in that Level
A very interesting study although rather a small one has been published into how the Pandemic has affected adult dogs. Fifteen owners of dogs aged 3 to 6 years were asked about the social behaviour of their dogs before and after lockdown. The results show how owners faced different experiences. Most owners thought the lockdown was a positive experience however some had problems when lockdown was lifted, some dogs became over excited and others showed fear related behaviour. It was also found that owners increased the amount of time training and playing with their dogs and separation related behaviours were reduced, but these tended to resurface when normal routines were resumed. I was very worried to see that there could be more aggression especially towards children during lockdown as the dogs found it more difficult to get away from them, bites needing hospital increased by 69%duting 2020.Some dogs were also walked less during lockdown and mostly nearer to home which caused problems especially with the more active dogs, as there was less socialisation with people and other dogs.
Stay safe everyone and I hope you and all your pets can keep cool, if you in are part of the UK that has intense heat.
Margaret Deuchar
The views expressed in Margaret’s Breed Notes are hers and hers alone and do not necessarily reflect the views of the Norwegian Buhund Club of the UK