Norwegian Buhund

Breed Notes 15th May 2020 Margaret Deuchar


Here we are again another Sunday in lockdown, how much it will  be eased  we will find out this evening when the Prime Minister talks to  the Country, but whatever happens I can’t see any Canine Activities starting soon other than ones being held on line, which is helping to  keep an interest in showing and a couple of other activities. Very many thanks go to the people and organisations that are running them. A special mention to Addrienne Frost-Treadwell(Frostisen) who lives in Eire, she has been running  her second show one line, with 4   judges Faye Adcox from the US, Karin Klouman from Canada, Sam Moore from the UK  and Ivana Letic-Pajkic from Serbia. It takes a great deal of time for the organiser and judges so very many thanks to everyone. There were numerous classes will a total of 547 entries. Congratulations to the overall BIS  who was Nancy Kent and Jacqui and Michael Cobb’s Ch Koromandel Best Served Cold At Knytshall (Jamie), he is by UK/Can Ch Kyon’s Bold Norseman x Ch Maidofcopper for  Koromandel (Imp Fin)JW, and was bred by Jenny Shorer -Wheeler. Jamie was BOB at Crufts this year and last year. The photos are judged without any handler and the judges do not know who sent the photos in. I know we miss face to face shows and seeing and chatting to our friends, but for most of us it is just a hobby but for many of the trade stand owners it is their livelihood, some  of course sell on line but it will not be the same and  of course for the benching contractors, and equipment supplies for agility there is no work.

Next Sunday would have been Pastoral day at SKC, the show has been postponed to the end of November. It is one of the few shows that usually has KC agility and Obedience competitions running alongside the breed show. If the show goes ahead in November I don’t think it will be having either, as at that time of the year competitions like that would be held indoors, but there would be no room as the breed show will be in the halls. For a number of years we used to go and do all three disciplines, to start with  staying in a bed & breakfast on a farm with a lovely canal walk just opposite, then we started taking the caravan but it was long way to tow. The show in those days was always outside, the weather seemed to be either to be very hot or very wet.The last time we went the showground was flooded the day before the breed show started, and everything was moved into the exhibition halls of The Royal Highland Centre, staying on the ground we knew what had happened but those arriving for the day obviously did not, so to say it was rather chaotic is an understatement, but the show went on and has stayed inside every since. The halls themselves are large with high metal ceilings, the rings now are large which is good for moving the dogs and there is plenty of space around them, but the halls are rather noisy making conversation difficult and the PA announcements hard  to hear. Ironically Debbie and I were going this year, as Debbie has a young dog she was going to enter into the agility and we were taking Time for breed.

I am sure you know that there are number of scams going around, sadly of course there are always scams but now the scammers are using the situation we all find ourselves in. A number of people are getting puppies and kittens as rightly or wrongly they think now are a good time. My personal feelings are that unless you had already planned to have one at this time, it is not a good idea. I am concerned it has not been thought through  properly, the worry being what happens when the person goes back to work, with the puppy being used to having company all the time, unless they have learnt  to be on their own they may suffer from separation anxiety. Even if dog walkers are arranged it is not the same as having company all the time. It will be the same for all dogs, but the older ones hopefully will cope better,remembering the time before Coronavirus. The scammers are advertising puppies and kittens on line that they don’t have, asking for a deposit, vaccination costs and a delivery fee, these people are so clever it is very difficult to trace them.  There is another company advertising funny face masks in the US but getting onto forums over here, this is also a scam, so be careful.

Stay safe  – Margaret Deuchar

The views expressed in Margaret’s Breed Notes are hers and hers alone and do not necessarily reflect the views of the Norwegian Buhund Club of the UK.