Norwegian Buhund

Breed Notes 17th September 2021 Margaret Deuchar


Pastoral day at Richmond Ch show was the Friday, not the best day for travelling especially if you have to negotiate the M25, but we were third in the ring after GSD and Pulis, so there was a little leeway time wise, but most chose to arrive early at the start of the show, a few from the north stayed overnight locally.

Richmond Dog Show Society has been running Championship dogs shows since 1895 and moved to the home of the More-Molyneux family at Loseley Park Nr Guildford in 2004, the show was previously held on Ascot Racecourse.

Our judge was breed specialist Camille Lambert (Sturtmoor), she found her DCC & BOB in Nancy Kent, Jacqui & Michael Cobb’s Ch Koromandel Best Served Cold at Knytshall (Jamie)by Am/Can/Uk Ch Kyon’s Bold Norseman x Ch Maidofcopper for Kormandel JW (Imp Fin). He is definitely on a roll this year and this was his 10thCC he also has 10RCCs, he was handled as usual by his breeder Jenny Shorer-Wheeler. RDCC his first was awarded to Kligenthal Almuric owned by a delighted Marie Corin and Adam Camm. He is by Ch Arnscroft Di Na Mo Farrah of Kormandel x Koromandel Gild The Lily who is Jamie’s litter sister. This was only his 4th show as he was ready to start his show career when we went in to lockdown last year, so very well done as it has been hard for the dogs that missed showing as puppies, and I know Marie struggled to find a ring class club until just recently.

If your dog gains her/his crown it is always a day to remember, as it was for Kirsty Irving as her Kimura’s Vera with Tapui(Imp Nor )(Betty) gained that all important third CC, she was bred by Terje and Katrine Lindstrom (Kimura)by their Multi Ch Kimura’s Peer Gynt x Nor Ch Kimura’s Nelly. She has been only lightly shown due to Kirsty’s family commitments. Her first CC was at Darlington in 2019 under Mr A R R Doedjins (Netherlands) her second this year at Leeds under the well know all-rounder Jeff Horswell, she also has a RCC. This win was even more special to Kirsty as Betty’s great grandfather is Kirsty home bred Nor/Swe/Ch Tapui Tane, he went to the Kimura Kennel in Norway for a few months to help the gene pool, he also had a very successful time being shown. Terge and Katherine always said Kirsty could have a puppy when the time was right for Kirsty and that puppy was Betty. Her litter brother is in Australia and has helped the breed to be established over there.

Maddy Norman’s Ch Arnscroft Delilah At Veekay by Ch Arnscroft Di To Be A Sailor x Ch Arnscroft Di or Comply gained her 5th RBCC she also has 4 CCs. BP Kirsty & Alex Irvine & Callum Gillies Tapui Let’s Blaze by Jamie x Betty so keeping it in the family. He was also 2nd in the minor puppy dog stakes under Marion Sargent.

Winner of the Limit Bitch class was Nancy, Jacqui & Michael’s Knytshall Eloise this was her first show since being on maternity leave, she had a busy couple of days as the following day she went to her first Rally Event at West Buckland and gained a qualifying score, showing once again how versatile the breed is.

You will know if you read these notes regularly that I am not a fan of the Gazebos system although of course I fully understand why this year it has been necessary, but I think it can be very antisocial and the weather needs to be relatively good with no high winds or heavy rain, so far, the weather has co-operated. Maddy and Ron had arrived first, so we set up behind them, with others joining as they arrived so on this occasion it was a nice Buhund gathering. There was a light drizzle as we arrived, so we decided to put up our gazebo for the first time, in the words from the film ‘Pretty Woman’, big mistake, huge. Why, well putting it up was easy it just popped up, taking it down and trying to get it back into its bag was quite another story, I just wished I had videoed it all as ‘the other side of dog showing’ as it was definitively the entertainment of the afternoon. Debbie and Nancy managed to get it folded up but certainly not enough to go into its bag, Jenny and Kirsty then took over and after a while some one joined them saying they had one at home, well about half an hour later it did go into its bag! I now know people leave their gazebos behind at festivals, and of course we did not need it as the rain never came to anything and the sun even made an appearance!

Before the pandemic Buhund owners round the country had Buhund Bumbles where they met up and took their dogs for a walk. They are starting up again so please do let me know if you organise or go on one.

Thanks to Sarah Stonton for telling me about the latest one.

‘Cambs Buhund Bumble’.

Several Buhunds and owners have met up regularly in the Cambridgeshire area for group walks at various country parks or similar areas over the last few years. Sunday 5th September we were out again at Hinchingbrooke Park, Huntingdon. Two of our original “crew” have moved from the local area, namely Lillian & Mike with Anja and Darcy who were much missed. Another original Teya owned by Sue & Martin were away having a break.

Lisa & Alex brough along Eris (who is now off maternity leave) and Loki, and I brought Loxy and Jack as always. The group of us also arrange to meet new people interested in the breed to see Buhunds out and about having fun and socialising. Sunday we were joined by Saga, a beautiful wheaten girl a year old, bred by Sue Crocker.Her owners were a joy to meet and have previously owned Buhunds and Elkhounds. Saga was a dream, happily socialising with the group and other dogs and owners out walking and having her first swimming lesson in the lake to retrieve balls or sticks. Let’s just say she is a super-fast, super keen, Olympic swimmer in the making. This time we were also joined by two Australian Cattle Dogs and their owner who Margaret and I met at a scent trial. She was smitten by the Buhunds; having previously been considering a Finnish Spitz in the future she is now interested in our breed. We also enjoyed spending time with her breed and admiring their wonderful off lead training; sadly, they had to rush off after an hour as they had a training lesson. The rest of us meandered on, chatted lots then had a beverage outside at the park’s café. A wonderful time for us and I understand there were 5 tired and contented Buhunds that afternoon – which was a success!

Thanks Sarah.

Stay safe everyone.

Margaret Deuchar

The views expressed in Margaret’s Breed Notes are hers and hers alone and do not necessarily reflect the views of the Norwegian Buhund