The Westminster Kennel Club Dog Show is considered to be the US equivalent of Crufts, it used to be held in late January, and some years ago Faye Adox had a terrible road accident on the way home in the icy conditions and had a very hard recovery programme. Now due to covid the show has been moved to June and outside to the beautiful Lyndhurst Mansion Estate, Tarrytown New York. Crufts of course is named after Charles Crufts whereas Westminster is named after a Hotel in Manhattan where group of sporting men would meet, they formed a club but could not decide on a name for it until someone suggested to name it after their favourite bar. The show in now America’s second oldest continuously running sporting event, only the Kentucky Derby has been running longer. This year it was the 146th show and the 7th Master Obedience Championship. The show ran from Sat 18th June starting with Agility, Monday 20th saw the Master Obedience Championship and the Hound and Herding Groups, in the US Buhunds are in the Herding group, this year there were only 2 forward .BOB was Amie McLaughlin’s GCHS Cloudpointe Ringside Gossip (Buzz), Amie also bred and handled him, she is the Top Breeder of Buhunds in the US and Buzz is 13th in the Herding Group, he is by GCHB Ch Arnscroft To Be A Sailors Son Di (Skipper) x the top winning Buhund in the US Amie’s GCHP Jotunn Bella Binna. Skipper is Sarah Stonton’s Ch Arnscroft In Di Ana Jack’s litter brother, they are both elder brothers of Maddy Norman’s Ch Arnscroft Delilah At Veekay(Lottie). BOS was Autumn and Octavia Stenson’s GCH Ch Cultiva Cruisin For A Bruisin Pineapple Express she is also by Skipper, so a family affair, the judge was Tom Coen. The Show finished on the Tuesday with 3 more groups and the Junior Handling, the groups were judged in the evening with BIS finishing at 11pm.All the judging was outside except the Groups and BIS which were in a climate-controlled arena. Not sure that the late endings would work at Crufts. There were 3,000 dogs entered representing 211 breeds. The dogs have to qualify and are then invited to enter, the top five dogs ranked nationwide,according to the number of dogs that they have defeated by winning throughout the year, and also BOB at AKC Breed Speciality shows. Westminster has great TV coverage both in the US and Canada and the Empire State building is light up in the show’s colours of Purple and Yellow for the duration of the show! A German Shepherd won the herding group and BIS was the Bloodhound Trumpet with the French Bulldog Winston in Reserve.
The following weekend it was back to the UK for Blackpool Ch show. I have fond memories of the show, it does not change its days and I used to take the Papillion, the Elkhound and the Buhunds to the show over the three days, and if the tide was right on the Saturday after the show I would take them on the beach, as the Buhunds loved to swim, and I also have a wonderful photo of a very bedraggled Papillion who also loved to paddle! The show this year ran from 24th -26th June Pastoral Day as usual was the was Sunday. The show has had several homes over the years and has suffered some severe weather problems, this year although cold and overcast and very windy it stayed dry long enough for the judging to be outside in a good-sized ring. The show has now settled at Redwood Park in Inskip nr Preston. We were fourth in the ring after Shetland Sheepdogs, Finnish Lapphunds and Smooth Collies our judge was Barrie Croft, he found his BOB BB & BJ in Michael Patrick and Leigh Ashman’s Tapui Starla, by Ch Koromandel Best Served Cold At Knytshall x Ch Kimura’s Vera with Tapui RBB & BVIB Ch Maidofcopper For Koromandel JW (Imp Fin) (Pikka)she is by Nor Ch Gnipagrottan Qu x Swe/Fin Ch Cipacan Milla Magia. BD Starla’s sire Nancy Kent and Jacqui & Michael Cobb’s Ch Koromandel Best Served Cold At Knytshall he is by Ch/Can Ch Kyon’s Bold Norseman x Ch Maidofcopper For Koromandel JW (Imp Fin). RBD Jenny Shorer-Wheeler’s Koromandel Tusen Takk (A.I) (Muchly)by Multi Ch Trollheimens Jr Made For Cascilius x Sturtmoor’s Ffascination With Koromandel. Later Pikka was third in the Veteran Pastoral group under Barrie.
Much further south at Eastbourne and District Canine Society Premier Open Show at the South of England Showground Ardingly, Marie Corin and Adam Camm’s Bergen aka Kligenthal Almuric was Best AVNSC under Helen Hankins and shortlisted in the Group under Maureen Betts. Congratulations.
Most of you who have been in the breed for a few years will remember Maddy Norman’s ‘Tammy’, sadly she passed over the bridge on June 18th, and below Maddy has written Tammy’s story as from her.
“Marambu Tamnavulin’ ‘Tammy’ 08.05.07 to 18.06.22 ‘My Story’ Where do I start? It was a normal morning. Mum let Lottie and me out for a wee and a good bark, as usual. After breakfast Mum took Lottie for a walk and Dad came round the garden with me. My legs don’t work too well and so I just go a little way and have a good sniff. Mum came back and a lady arrived: more barking. I went into the kitchen to meet her and Lottie went to play ball with Annabelle (I never did understand the fascination of running after the ball. You brought it back and it got thrown away again!!). Sorry, I digress. The lady was very nice. She and Mum sat on the floor and I sat on my mat and I was eating lots of treats while the lady checked me over. Mum and Dad told her all about me; that I’d been born exactly where I was lying down now and that when I was a puppy, I’d won Best Puppy in Breed at Crufts. While Mum was stroking me, I could hear her talking about all the shows we used to go to with Grandad Oscar and my dog mummy Inga. We always came back with rosettes. Mum was very proud. I also got a CC and BOB at the Windsor Dog Show a long time ago. We’d been to lots of shows and seen our Buhund friends until 2017 when Oscar and Inga left us to go over the rainbow bridge. After that we didn’t do much until Lottie came to live with us a year later and by that time, I’d virtually had enough of showing. She was a baby and it was her turn to go out and win rosettes. So, I stayed home and had fun with a dog sitter. I could sleep most of the day, and get lots of treats when Mum came home. Also, at the ripe old age of 12 years I started doing agility. It was lots of fun: Mum and me running around (not so fast I might add) the riding school each week. The trainer said I was very good but soon all that stopped as something called Covid happened. Only once, when we were allowed, did I go back to agility and by then I’d had problems with my pancreas and my legs didn’t want to work very well, so we stopped going and other problems caught up with me. Mum called them senior moments. I couldn’t tell Mum how I felt but she knew things wouldn’t get any better. So here I am feeling very sleepy and the last thing I heard was Mum saying I was going to meet Oscar and Inga again. I knew Mum and Dad were with me as I passed into a deep sleep. No more aches and pains. I went to run free.” Thanks, Maddy they are never with us for long enough but she was a good age and I know you will have some lovely memories of her.
Tammy was by Ch Trelowen Pistyll x Tokyn Keenva of Marambu (Inga)whose sire was Trelowen Govyn of Marambu(Oscar ).
Stay safe everyone.
Margaret Deuchar
The views expressed in Margaret’s Breed Notes are hers and hers alone and do not necessarily reflect the views of the Norwegian Buhund Club of the UK