Norwegian Buhund

Breed Notes 21st September 2018 Margaret Deuchar


Darlington Ch show is one of the more northern shows and has tended to only be popular with those living relatively close. Things may change next year when it becomes one of the ‘All Breed Ch Shows’ with CCs for all the breeds that have them. The show is also known for the numerous stakes classes it holds and there is also a class for the BOS for CC & non CC breeds, whether they will be able to fit them in next year remains to be seen. Pastoral day was Saturday and our judge Keith Baldwin, who gives CCs in 20 breeds mostly in the Pastoral and Working groups. He found his BD & BOB in Shirley and Alf Dobson, Sue Cale and Nancy Evans Ch & Ir Ch Arnscroft Di To Be A Sailor Ir J Ch (Sirius), by Ch /Am Ch Visions Dino of Trollheimen(Imp USA) x Arnscroft Di Sing On Ice. He has 21 CCS & 10RCCs.RBD Anne Smith’s Ch Arnscroft Never Say Di who is Sirius’s younger brother he has 5 CCs & 2RCCS. BB Jenny Shorer-Wheeler’s Piika by Nor Ch Gnipagrottensqu  x Swe/Fin Ch Cipacan Mila Magia,she has 8CCs & 9RCCS. RBB & BV Chris Cross Nancy Evans James Stewart & Nikki Davies Ch/Ir Ch Arnscroft Di Di Di Delilah by Ch Trelowen Pistyll x Ch Arnscroft Di Sing  With Death, she has 17ccs & 16 RCCs, she was shortlisted in the VG  under Mr Glenway Dymock. Jacqui & Michael Cobb & Nancy Kent’s Koromandel Best Served Cold At Knytshall was shortlisted in the Junior Stakes. Young Issac Shorer-Wheeler handled his mother Jenny & Kirsty Irvine’s Ch Arnscroft Di Na Mo Farrah JW Sh CM to 2nd place in the Young Kennel Club A/V Pastoral Members Stakes, under Ian Blackshaw and Reserve in the KC Good Citizen Stakes under Mr Paul Harding, so a very good day for the breed. After judging I gather there was a small but very enjoyable picnic.

Five days later the exhibitors made their way to Driffield the other Northern show, here there were CCs for the last time as next year they move to Darlington, whether the show will keep the breed on I do not know, I personally doubt it. There has never been a very good entry, it has always been held on a Thursday, usually being first in the ring, so those of us living in the south either had to start at silly o’clock or stay overnight, which I did the last few years I entered, as the hotel is just 5 mins drive away. The one thing about the new all breed shows like Darlington is they have to rotate their days. Ironically this year we were second in the ring after 24 BSD (Groenendaels) judged by Debbie Penniston-Fleming who was also our judge. There has been one advantage over the years of being on the first day and early on, as so often we have had the best of the weather. The show has the in/out rings but being in the middle of Wetherby racecourse when it rains it can be very unpleasant, Jenny told me that yet again we had the best of the weather, as the rain started as the breed judging finished. It was Margaret Garvie’s day, her Ch Rhialis Psyche ShCM won her 13th CC she also has

8 RCCs and was BOB, she is by Ch /Am Ch Visions Dino of Trollheimen(Imp USA) x Ch Ailort Just Jinks. Margaret’s Rhialis Lucina was RBCC her 2nd she is Psyche’s younger sister and also has a CC. Sirius who was BOB at Darlington won his 22nd CC. RDCC his 6th was our new Ch, Sarah Stonton’s Arnscroft In Di Ana Jack he is by Sirius so a family affair x Ch A Di Or Comply. Maddy Norman, Gail Hussey, Lynn Isaac & Di Stirling’s Arnscroft Delilah At Veekay won the AV Junior Pastoral or Working bitch stakes under Mrs Sue Pollock –Yule.

Sarah said Jenny had very kindly made her a ‘Congratulations Champion Jack’ cake to enjoy in her favourite carrot cake, which was very tasty.

The next CC show will be the club Ch show in October, the schedules have been sent out so let Jacqui Walmsley know if you have not received yours.

Margaret Deuchar

The views expressed in Margaret’s Breed Notes are hers and hers alone and do not necessarily reflect the views of the Norwegian Buhund Club of the UK