In the summer months when there are shows most weekends the Blog is usually full of the results, which is great but now there are not so many shows it is lovely to celebrate other things that Buhunds do with their owners. I noticed on the Buhund forum a posting from Louise Badcock about her dog Finn passing his Gold Good Citizen Test. I am sure most of you know that I am fan of dogs doing various activities, so I asked her to tell me more. She wrote that she had Finn (Rikarlo Harald) from breeder Lorraine Bolton when he was 5 months old, having been born on 29/07/2013. Previously she had had Great Danes for 40 yrs so was downsizing. He gained his Bronze Good Cit as puppy on 4th March 2014. Then Louise went to classes that did The Association of Pet Dog Trainers awards and he got his progress award in June 2015 and a higher level in April 2016.Then back to KC tests, gaining his Silver in 2017 and on 17th November this year he passed his Gold.
Louise went onto to say Finn is quite versatile, having had a go at Flyball although he is not sufficiently ball oriented, also he did a bit of agility but he does not like the dog walk. Then Treibball which is great and Hoopers which Louise said is good for her, due to less running on her part. He loves swimming, hunting rabbits and squirrels, and has even managed to catch the odd rat that strayed into the garden. His naughty habits involve stealing clothes and socks and chewing them. Toys are a waste of time because he destroys them. He can bark for England and is always on the alert for the Bin man Post man and enemy cars. He is very sociable with other dogs bar one which is a muzzled reactive GSD, which regrettably belongs to her dog walker. Louise goes on to say we got a friend for him in 2015, a little Sheltie bitch but they do not play much. Thank you Louise, please do let us know about other things you and Finn do together.
For those of you who do not know Treiball, is a new dog activity that originated in Germany and was invented by the Dutch Dog trainer Jan Nijboer for energetic “job-less” herding dogs. Dogs push large exercise balls into a goal, working at a distance from the handler. This sport promotes team work between dog and handler and is a low impact activity, which provides a great way of physical and mental exercise. This activity is suitable for dogs of all sizes and ages and is not just for herding breeds. My Flekkefjord would have loved doing this he loved playing football.
Hoopers is an agility game that has become popular in America and has now made its way over here. It is based on agility but instead of going over jumps the dog runs through speciality designed hoops and is sent round barrels and through tunnels. Canine Hoopers UK competitions are open to any dogs and handlers, the organisations says the competitions are great fun as well as meeting like-minded people with dogs.
Recently Fermoy Ch show was held in Eire and under Mr T Galvin, Kerry and Fritz Frost, Addrienne Frost Treadwell and Jacqui Walmsley’s Kyons Dronningen Av Frostisen(Imp Can) Ma’am was 2nd in AV Puppy Group 5,the same owners Fabrajas Your Obedient Servant Mr Burr(Imp USA)under the same judge and with Ma’am were second in the Brace class. Then in the AV Not Bred by Stakes under Mr K Croakin, Mr Burr was first with Ma’am third so another good show for them both.
I finish with news that there is a famous puppy in the breed. I nearly always drive on my own, so immediately I get into the car I turn on the radio for company. Last Sunday I was on my way to see Debbie and was listening to the Paul O’Grady show, when suddenly I heard the name Luna and almost in the same breath Norwegian Buhund puppy, obviously I was amazed. I knew Penny Gilpin had a puppy called Luna so the next day I asked her if it was her Luna. She replied yes it was, apparently Penny had messaged the show when the family was on the way home from Blackpool and were stuck in traffic having picked Luna up, from the home of Luna’s dam Kimura’s Vera With Tapui, although that had been a couple of weeks earlier. (Luna is by Koromandel Best Served Cold At Knytshall, and her pedigree name is Rikarlo Gaynor, the litter was all named after film stars). Penny had not heard it but as I knew where I was when I heard it, as I was so surprised I was able to tell her roughly where in the programme to find it which she did and put it on the forum so we could all hear it. Paul had gone on to say he did not know what Norwegian Buhunds were, but there were a lot of new breeds about and he really only knew about Staffies. It did amuse me knowing Buhunds were around with the Vikings! He did say however that he hoped the family enjoyed their puppy. Perhaps Penny you should send him a photo of Luna so he knows what a Norwegian Buhund does look like.
Margaret Deuchar
The views expressed in Margaret’s Breed Notes are hers and hers alone and do not necessarily reflect the views of the Norwegian Buhund Club of the UK