Pastoral day at Darlington Ch show was the Friday, a few days earlier watching the weather forecast it looked as if it was going to be a very wet day, happily as the week progressed the forecast improved and in the end the weather was almost perfect, a little chilly to start but as the day wore on it warmed up being mostly sunny with a slight breeze.
When I first started to show, Darlington was held actually in Darlington at South Park where it had been for years, but when the park was renovated, it moved to Newby Hall Park and although a lovely setting the ground did not drain well, and there was a year when dogs were carried from the benching area to the rings but these were very muddy and, in some cases partly under water, so in 2013 it moved to Ripon Racecourse.
Apart from SKC, Darlington is the furthest show for us, so we decided to stay locally the night before arriving first the next day along with Maddy and Ron Norman, who also stayed overnight. Again, there was no wet weather arrangements, so gazebos were allowed, Maddy and Ron quickly erected theirs but after the farce we had taking ours down the week before ours stayed in the car. Luckily our ring was at the end of row so once up Maddy’s gazebos became the focal point for the Bu community, and like Richmond it was a lovely social gathering with a great atmosphere.
We were third in the ring after Australian Calle Dogs and Lancashire Heelers, our judge was Espen Engh from Norway who is passed by the FCI and the American Kennel club to judge all breeds and has judged all over the world including Westminster in the US and several world shows. He judged us at Crufts in 2017 and in 2014 at Birmingham National.
Various special events in our lives give us memories, in the dog world it may be the first class you won or the first RCC or CC or a BOB or made up a Champion and for a few people going BOB at Crufts, or even winning the Dog and Bitch CC, so I expect for Sarah Stonton who did the latter the memory of Darlington 2021 will stay with her for some time. This was only Sarah’s second show this year, one reason being her Ch Arnscroft In Di Ana Jack RLIEx had been in his underwear for some time but had his new suit in time to gain BOB and his 8th CC he also has 9RCCS.He is by Ch Arnscroft Di To Be A Sailor x Ch Arnscroft Di or Comply, Espen gave Jack BP when he judged the breed at Crufts. RDCC his 12th Nancy Kent, Jacqui & Michael Cobb’s Ch Koromandel Best Served Cold at Knytshall (Jamie)by Am/Can/Uk Ch Kyon’s Bold Norseman x Ch Maidofcopper for Kormandel JW (Imp Fin) he also has 10 CCs. BCC her first Sarah’s Trelowen Andrea AW(S)(Loxy)by Ch Trelowen Conar Tun x Trelowen Kyoo, she has two RCCs her first at Birmingham National in 2012 under June Purves where she was also BP the other under the late Gail Hussey at Crufts in 2013.The AW(S) after her name is an agility qualification meaning Agility Warrant Silver so while many were competing in the breed ring she was competing successfully in agility, so has only been very lightly shown, she was also in Our Obreedience team on many occasions doing the retrieve exercise, since the pandemic Sarah has decide to retire her from agility as she is now 10yrs, but she has successful taken up scent qualifying in level I and 2. RBCC her 6th Maddy Norman’s Ch Arnscroft Delilah At Veekay who is Jack litter sister she also has 4CCs,she was also 4th in the Champion Stakes under Mr M Gilchrist. BP Kirsty & Alex Irvine & Callum Gillies Tapui Let’s Blaze by Jamie x Ch Kimura’s Vera with Tapui (Imp Nor), he was also shortlisted in the puppy group under Murray Armstrong. BV Loxy. It was great once again to have a breed representative in three groups, they may not have been placed but they were there.
Stay safe everyone,
Margaret Deuchar:
The views expressed in Margaret’s Breed Notes are hers and hers alone and do not necessarily reflect the views of the Norwegian Buhund