Norwegian Buhund

Breed Notes 26th October 2018 Margaret Deuchar


Last weekend Buhund exhibitors and their dogs headed to Leicestershire for the club Ch show. Our judge was June Purves who was club secretary for many years. There was an entry of 23 dogs making 31entries, there were also Special Awards classes judged by Bethany Hewart. These classes as you may know are to help judges progress by giving them dogs to go over and judge, the results are separate from the Ch show. June found her BIS & BCC in Margaret Garvie’s Ch Rhialis Psyche ShCM by Ch/Am Ch Visions Dino of Trollheimen (Imp USA) (Casper x Ch Ailort Just Jinks, this was her 14th CC she also has 8 RCCs. I think it is always very special when you go BIS at your breed Ch show, even more so when the dog is home bred. RBCC her 17th RBIS & BVIS Chris Cross Nancy Evans James Stewart & Nikki Davies Ch/Ir Ch Arnscroft Di Di Di Delilah by Ch Trelowen Pistyll x Ch Arnscroft Di Sing With Death she also has 17 CCs, she is 10yrs old and certainly gave the youngsters a run for their money. DCC Anne Smith’s Ch Arnscroft Never Say Di (Oskar) also by Casper x Arnscroft Di Sing On Ice this was his 6th CC, his fourth this year, he also has 2 RCCs. Shirley and Alf Dobson, Sue Cale and Nancy Evans Ch & Ir Ch Arnscroft Di To Be A Sailor Ir J Ch was RDCC his 11th he also has 22 CCs and is Oskar’s older brother. Sadly, there were no puppies but with several litters on the ground at the moment, hopefully this will be rectified next year.

Unfortunately, since Earls Court closed in 2014 to make way for flats and houses and Discover Dogs moved to The Excel in October, the date has always clashed with our club Ch show, (apart from our Anniversary year) as of course dates for shows are chosen several years in advance. DD has to fit in with the dates Excel have free, so unless we move the show to a different month there is always the chance it will clash. Finding dates for shows is always difficult, trying to make sure they are not on the same day as other shows with Buhund classes.

Lisa Strong has taken over organising the breed booth and did a fantastic job having everything you need to put up the display, so much so that people from other booths were asking if they could borrow various things like scissors!

It was a very busy weekend and there was a great deal of interest in the breed, I was very pleased that this year many people seemed to coming to look for a dog that they might have in a year or so, finding out about the different breeds which is of course what DD is designed to do. Particularly with the numerically small breeds such as ours, you are never going to have a puppy on the actual day you want it, like you can with many of the numerically bigger breeds. Lisa and I with Loki and Fizz did both days and Jacqui Cobb came on the Sunday with Ferdig and Angel. The dogs were fantastic being cuddled and stroked all day, the KC would like the dogs to only be on duty for 4 hours at a time but  we do not  have enough a dogs to do this and as they spend most of their time  lying down just enjoying all the attention, it was the owners who ended up shattered. Today I had a thank you letter from the KC, in it they said it was the best gate since DD began back in 1996 with attendance of 34,840 over the two days, no wonder we thought it was busy!

Margaret Deuchar

The views expressed in Margaret’s Breed Notes are hers and hers alone and do not necessarily reflect the views of the Norwegian Buhund Club of the UK