Norwegian Buhund

Breed Notes 28th June 2019 Margaret Deuchar


Blackpool is the only General Ch show left in the North West of England. It goes back to 1921; the first Ch show being held in 1934 in the tram sheds in Hornby Road. In the past the show had a pre-show dinner and dance, which at the time was a highlight in the calendar of many dog enthusiasts and continued for 40 years. The show has also had a number of firsts. In 1939 it was the first show to ban dogs remaining on the showground over night, which by the late 1940’s was accepted by all shows. In 2001 during the foot and mouth outbreak it was the first show to send its entries directly to the printers, something which is now universally accepted. When I first started to attend the Show it was held in the Oval at Stanley Park, gradually the show outgrew the venue and moved to land near Blackpool Zoo. I used to go to the show with the late Elisabeth Coleopy (Fullani) showing a Papillion an Elkhound and of course our Buhunds. I have very happy memories of the dogs running on the beach and in the sea, luckily the Pap was usually on the first day, as there is nothing like a wet Pap that has been on the sand and in the sea! The show moved again to Lytham St Anne’s and in 2000 it bought its own land at Westby. This unfortunately did not drain well and seemed to always catch the worst of the weather, with it being a completely outdoor show under marquees, it was a real problem and in 2008 the show had to be abandoned on the last day due to the high winds. The show is now held in Redwood Park, Inskip, Nr Preston.

Nancy has very kindly put pen to paper again and sent me a report on this year’s show. “Blackpool Ch show shares the middle of June with Cheshire Show and usually has the same weather options, hot and dry or cool and wet. This year we had a win/win situation; it was cloudy and warm, dry with a little breeze. The sun came out in the middle of the day and warmed things up, but the breeze kept us comfortable in the shade of the tents. The rain held off through all three groups, just catching me on the way home. For me it is one of the best run shows around, from the parking to the Group judging, everything is organised and runs like a well-oiled machine. Secretary Steve Hall and his team have worked together for a long time and produce a really enjoyable experience. Our judge was Miranda Taylor-Smith; she gives CCs in Siberian Huskies and judged the breed before judging us. The show has given us classes for every year I can remember without CCs, so the entry is often quite small. It was very much a family affair BD & BOB was my Ch Koromandel Best Served Cold At Knytshall (Jamie) who is co owned with me by Jacqui and Michael Cobb. BB Kirsty and Callum Irvine and Jenny Shorer -Wheller’s  Kimura’s Vera with Tapui (Betty).RBB Lesley and Liz Butterworth’s Koromandel Gild the Lily who is Jamie’s litter sister. BJ & BP Matthew Kania’s  Rikarlo Garbo who is by Jamie x Betty. Later in the day to my delight Jamie was shortlisted in the group under Marion Sargent. The best thing about the day was the atmosphere; the company at the benches was fantastic. Ellie’s owners were there with their two boys and Kirsty brought Alex. The children got along so well played with the dogs and each other. They were so well behaved, I am sure it must have been tedious for them, with all the adults sitting around talking, but they found their own entertainment. Such great company sharing lovely dogs” Thanks very much Nancy perhaps some junior handlers of the future in there somewhere.

Much further south in the West Country the Lagotto Romagnolo Rally show was held at the Glenda Spooner Farm, World Horse Rescue and Rehoming Cenre in Somerset, which is only 30 mins away from where Jacqui Cobb lives. Jacqui told me she was able to help in the morning and then in the afternoon competed with Ch Trelowen Veryan To Knytshall RL1 Ex, who scored an Excellent score in Level 2.

The same day but this time much further east near London, we headed off to a local fun dog show in aid of Emilia Bowers and her dog Ting, who are going to the European Open Junior Agility Championships in Switzerland next month.  There was a fun agility course which Fizz enjoyed doing with a friend of mine. He let me down though in temptation alley, there was a fenced strip of grass, the idea was the dog was left at the start and the owner went and sat on the chair at the end of the strip, with tennis balls down one side and food bowls the other. I left Fizz in a wait and went and sat on the chair and called him, I knew he would not be interested in the tennis balls and all was well till he went to pass the third food bowl, and that was too much he ate all the treats ! Time was beaten in fastest recall by a Flyball dog, he did however end up RBIS from the fun classes and Fizz not to be left out was second in the veteran class. The BIS was won by a cocker spaniel who goes to the same scent training class as Fizz, neither of us knew the other was going, small world.


Margaret Deuchar

The views expressed in Margaret’s Breed Notes are hers and hers alone and do not necessarily reflect the views of the Norwegian Buhund Club of the UK