Norwegian Buhund

Breed Notes 2nd December 2022 Margaret Deuchar


Buhunds came into the UK in 1946 and by 1967 the larger Ch shows were giving them classes with  many owners  entering, even when they had to go into AV classes, they also had classes at the Working Breeds, Rare Breeds, and the Nordic Open show, which  still takes place today hosted by The Finnish Spitz Club. The show is the only one in the UK that is just for Spitz breeds, in other countries where the Kennel Clubs are FCI they have a Spitz and Primitive Breeds Group which is Group 5. The FCI was founded in 1911 under the auspices of the kennel clubs of Austria, Belgium and France Germany and the Netherlands, its object was to bring global uniformity to the breeding, exhibiting, and judging of pure breed dogs. It was disbanded in World War I and was recreated in 1921 by Belgium and France. The FCI has members associates and partners in 98 countries but none in the UK, the US or Canada. In these countries the Spitz breeds are split into the various groups. The UK kennel Club was the first National Kennel club in the world being formed on the 4th April 1873, and here the Spitz breeds are spread over the groups except for the Gundog and Terrier groups. When there was talk of splitting the Working Group which had become too large, many hoped there would be a Spitz group but it was not to be, it was split into Working and Pastoral. Of course, dogs from the UK can enter FCI shows and become Ch is various countries, the  CAC is the same as our CC and in most countries 4 CACs are needed before a dog is a Ch in that country, and at the big International shows there are also CACIBs and if a dog wins 4 of these in different countries ,under three different judges they can be called an International Ch, one of the exceptions to this is dogs living in Eire where the Green Star is their CC and I think you need 7 to become  a Ch and if they gain 4 CACIBs they can be called an International Ch, this rule came into place before pet passports and is still the same today.

The Nordic show this year was held at The Sports Connexion Ryton on Dunsmore on Saturday 26th November. Many years ago, it was held in the summer and was very popular but for many years it has been on the last weekend in November, so it does not clash with any Ch show. Sadly, though not the most popular time of the year with some exhibitors when it is dark by 4pm, and last year when the show was held for the first time since the pandemic it snowed and many judges and exhibitors could not get there, which is possibly why the entries this year were not very good, with several breeds not having any entries including the Pomeranians which was very sad, as I always love to see the diminutive Pom strutting around the BIS ring with the Alaskan Malamute. The show this year was held in the Sports Hall which is much warmer than the main hall, but there were only four rings with BIS being judged just after lunch. I do hope that the entries pick up for next year and that we do not lose the show which would be a great shame. The highest entries were for the Elkhounds and the Japanese Spitz with 22 for each breed, followed by the Schipperke with 17. There were also several AV and stakes classes including a couple just for sled dogs. It is a show where I can catch up with Elkhound friends having had Elkhounds for many years with the Buhunds, and this year we were even in the same ring.

Our judge was Mrs Julie Da Silva who gives CCs in German Shepherds, she found her BOB Nancy Kent and Jacqui and Michael Cobb’s Ch Koromandel Best Served Cold at Knytshall (Jamie). RBOB was Lisa and Alex Strong’s Leggatts Dancing Queen At Draccus (Eris). We may be a numerically small breed and certainly did not have the highest entry, but the breed certainly made their presence felt. Eris went onto be 3rd in the Reserve BOB competition winning money under Krystyan Greenland,who gives CCs in Siberian Huskies, Australian Shepherds, Finnish Lapphunds and BSDs (Tervueren.) Eris continued to have a very good day as she won more money by coming third in the ‘Open Stakes’ under Stuart Mallard who also judged BIS and who gives CCs in numerous breeds across the Hound Pastoral, Toy, and Utility groups, she finished the afternoon by being 2ndin the ‘Not Bred By’ class also under Stuart Mallard. Not to be outdone Marie Corin and Adam Camm’s Kligenthal Almuric(Bergan) won ‘AV open Dog’ also under Stuart Mallard. So, a good day at the office all-round for the breed. Lisa had a very busy day as they were short of stewards so she offered to steward for the earlier classes, then had to put her first aid qualifications to the test when one of the competitors in the RBOB class, had a crashing fall, happily after first aid attention and a sit down the lady was alright.

Stay safe everyone,

Margaret Deuchar

The views expressed in Margaret’s Breed Notes are hers and hers alone and do not necessarily reflect the views of the Norwegian Buhund Club of the UK