Norwegian Buhund

Breed Notes 2nd Novemeber 2018 Margaret Deuchar


This year was the 50th Anniversary of Midland Counties Ch show and every exhibitor received a nice size blue draw string bag, it was also the 12th year that the show has scheduled the breed without CCs. Pastoral day was Friday not the best day for travelling but at least the weather was fine and dry. We were meant to be fourth in the ring after Samoyeds, Lancashire Heelers and Pulis. There is always a time give in the catalogue as a ‘not before time’, not quite sure how they arrive at this without knowing the entries and it is always very optimistic. We were due in at 10.45am but when we arrived at 10.30am the Samoyeds were still being judged!  It was the first show for Debbie’s Border Collie bitch puppy Silver, the BCs were originally down to be first in the ring, but this was changed after the entries closed, to after  Australian Shepherds and to a different ring. It did mean we could have a more leisurely start as it is a 3hr journey, but I have to admit I do not like to arrive that near to the judging time. Of course, in the end, there was a couple of hours before we went in and as you would expect Silver’s class and the Buhunds nearly clashed, as they moved the Pulis to another ring. One thing I really like about Midland Counties is that they have a board on the benches with the name of the breed, which when there are not many of you it is very helpful, having over the years spent ages looking for numbers. Our judge was Darren Clarke who is on our judging list; he gives CCs in Border Collies, Briards & Hungarian Pulis. He last judged the breed at South Wales Ch show last year. With a numerically small breed such as ours it is very difficult to give judges enough dogs to judge, to go up the judging ladder. The new KC judges Competency Framework, although not popular with many, is meant to help with this problem, with Breed Appreciation Days and mentors. This year, unfortunately, there were only 3 dogs present, a week day with several bitches with puppies and exhibitors spread all over the country it is difficult for non CC  shows, we just hope these shows will keep the breed scheduled.BOB & BD Anne Smith’s Ch Arnscroft Never Say Di by Ch/Am Ch Visions Dino of  Trollheimen(Imp US) x Arnscroft Di Sing On Ice he has 6CCs & 2RCCs .RBD Jacqui & Michael Cobb & Nancy Kent’s Koromandel Best Served Cold At Knytshall by Am/Can Gr Ch Kynon’s Bold Norseman x Ch MaidofCopper  for Kormandel JW he has 2 CCs & 4 RCCs. BV changing the agility ring for the breed ring my and Debbie’s Ch/Bel Ch Tonylynn’s Charles Lafitte AW(P) R2EX by he is by Ch Olpenden Malachy At Parvodene x Fullani  Feema Avec Tonylynn  he has 3CCs & 3RCCs,so although there was not quantity there was quality.

Across the Irish sea at the All Ireland Bull Breed Assoc Ch Show held at the National Show Centre in Dublin, judge Mrs M Johnston awarded that all important 7th Green Star to Brenda & Tony Bethell’s Zodiac’s Featuring Fredrick At Taevas Of  Minforst (Ir Jun Ch), making him an Irish Champion. Brenda said the 3am alarm was well worth it as their home bred Minforst Galadriel by Freddy x their Ir/Lux/&Int Champion Arnscroft Glad Di Ola at Minforst’, also took her first Green Star.

I finish with the reminder that next year there will be the 10 All Breed Ch shows, awarding CCs to all breeds that have them. The first of these is Manchester, unfortunately Pastoral Day is a Thursday the 17th January, our judge is Marion Sargent. The show is also a qualifier for Crufts 2019.

We also have classes back at Boston Ch show (no CCs) again Pastoral Day is a Thursday 3rd  January  with Judge Tim Ball .Please enter if you can as they have put classes back on for us.

Margaret Deuchar

The views expressed in Margaret’s Breed Notes are hers and hers alone and do not necessarily reflect the views of the Norwegian Buhund Club of the UK