Last weekend a number of Buhund owners and were out and about attending shows both here and in Eire. In most countries, certainly those that are FCI which now includes Eire, there is a Spitz group (5). In the UK the Spitz breeds are split over 5 of the 7 groups the exceptions being the Gundog and Terrier groups. It is therefore good that there is a show just for the Spitz breeds. The Nordic show has been held for over 50 yrs run by the Finnish Spitz club. Many years ago it was held in the summer but now is held on the last weekend in November, at the Skye Blue Connexion Coventry. Not the best time of the year, but the show remains popular with Spitz owners and has a good variety of Stakes classes. Our judge this year was Michael Patrick who has the well known Coldasice Kennel of Siberian Huskies. BOB was Anne Smith’s Arnscroft Never Say Di, who was later shortlisted in the final 8 for BIS under Toni Jackson, well known for her Finnish Lapphunds. RBOB & BV Jacqui & Michael Cobb & Nancy Kent’s Ch Trelowen Veryan to Knytshall RL1Ex.
Further south Jacqui Walmsley had high praise for Poole & District Canine Society for running another wonderful Dorset Top Dog Event. Her Trelowen Amelia at Frostisen(Bunny) by Ch Trelowen Conar Tun x Trelowen Lola and her Blakk ExtacyVan Koekie’s Ranch (Imp Ned)(Moley) by Ned Ch Med Hjartas Assar x Ned Ch Yrsa-Jitze Fra Den Norske Garden) flew the Buhund flag. Jacqui said to qualify the dogs had to have a CC, RCC or a group placing, so she was happy just to be there. Bunny was out in the first round beaten by the puppy that ended up as RBP. Moley was out in the second round but Jacqui said both dogs showed really well and enjoyed their day. The judge was Mrs L Campbell who gives CCs in the three Poodle heights. Jacqui said also one person asked what breed they were and another said she did not know they came in Black, which shows how important it is to keep flying the Buhund flag. Bunny will be Top Buhund puppy this year regardless of results at LKA she cannot be beaten.
I am sure many of us have had journeys to shows that we would rather forget, perhaps having got up at silly o’clock and found the car/van would not start or that it had a puncture, or like me a couple of years ago broke down on route. Luckily for me I was not that far from home and it was early on a Sunday morning, so I was the first call out for the recovery vehicle, so Fizz and I did have to wait very long and it was a warm sunny morning, so sitting on the grass beside the M1 could have been worse. None of these things can compare with the awful experience that Addreinne Frost Treadwell and he mum Kerry Frost, had on their way to Cloghran Ch show in Dublin .Having left home at some silly hour they broke down on the M50 at 4.15am when the clutch went, 4.30am they called the police as they were nearly hit by a lorry, at 7.15am the recovery vehicle arrived and took them the short distance to the show, promising to be back at 4.30pm to take them home. It never came back, so it was 6.30pm before another low loader arrived to take them on the long journey, oh and the van key broke in the lock,but luckily Tony Bethell was able to sort that out. On the plus side they had a very successful day the Frostisen dogs are all co owned by Addreinne, her parents Kerry and Fritz and Jacqui Walmsley .BOB &GSD was Trelowen Aviator at Frostisen who is Bunny’s litter brother he has 8 Green Stars and 2 Reserves, if he was 15months he would already be an Ir Ch, but he has to wait till he reaches that magic age and then win another GS to be an Ir Ch .RGSD Brenda and Tony Bethell’s Ir Ch Zodiac’s Featuring Fredrik At Taevas Of Minforst Jun Ir Ch(Imp USA) by Ch Hundehaven’s Captain Voyger x Am Ch Zodiac’s Gracious Gretchen.BPD Fabrajas Your Obedient Servant Mr Burr (Imp USA)owned the Frostisens he is by Can Ch Kyon’s Langveis-Reisende x GCHB Trollheimen’s Pink Tourmaline .GSB &BPB Kyon’s Dronningen Av Frostisen(Imp Can) Nor Ch Kimura’s Uno x Ch Kyons Nordic Princess RGSB Brenda & Tony’s Lux/Int /Ir Ch Arnscroft Glad Di Ola(Freya) also by Conar Tun x Ch Arncroft Kiss & Tell for Sturtmoor. Exciting times for the breed in Eire.
Margaret Deuchar
The views expressed in Margaret’s Breed Notes are hers and hers alone and do not necessarily reflect the views of the Norwegian Buhund Club of the UK