Norwegian Buhund

Breed Notes 30th September 2022 Margaret Deuchar


When at the end of August I wrote, ‘I cannot believe that when you read these notes it will be September’ none of us could have imagined what a sad and historic month September would be, with a day that will go down in the history books and will be in the memory of so many for years to come.

Now it is last day of September, and we have had Darlington Ch show which was held on Ripon Racecourse, and was our last outside Ch show of the year. Since 2019, Darlington has been one of the KC All Breed Ch Shows giving CCs to all breeds that have them, our set of CCs was moved from Driffield Ch show. The show is very popular as it has all the groups and a number of stakes classes and Reserve Best of Sex classes.

Pastoral day was the Saturday along with the Working and Terrier groups making some of the stakes classes very full. It was a dry but rather chilly day after all the warm/hot weather we have had. We were third in the ring after Leonbergers and Dogue De Bordeau going in just after noon, but most living down south had stayed overnight rather than leave at silly o’clock.

I have often talked about special days in dog activities and Kirsty Irvine and Blackcombe Bodil At Tapui (Bodi) (Imp AUS) had one of those days at Darlington. Bodi was bred by Prof Roberta Crouch in Australia, and was born on 13/1/2022 she is by Kynon’s Urban Legand (Imp from USA) x NO UCH C.I. B Rennedal’s Brynhild Skjoldmoy(Imp from Nor).Bodi made the long journey to England at  the end of May, so not only is she  an International Buhund, she is also much travelled young lady. So often stakes classes clash with the breed and to start with it looked as if that was going to happen to Kirsty and Bodi, with the Eukanuba Pup of the Year competition judged by Chris Chapman, but happily they managed to be seen just before the Breed started and as it was such a big class, they were able to get back just as Chris made the cut, which was great as they ended up fourth. After the breed they won the Minor Puppy Bitch Stakes under Ian Blackshaw and as they won BPIB they entered the Puppy Pastoral Group and were second under Patsy Hollings.

The breed was judged by the well-known allrounder Jill Peak who gives CCs in 152 breeds and has judged all over the world, she last judged the breed in 2019 at SKC. She found her DCC & BOB in Sarah Stonton’s Ch Arnscroft In Di Ana Jack RL1ExL2ex this was his 12CC he also has 9RCCs, he is by Ch/Ir Ch Arnscroft Di To Be A Sailor x Ch Arnscroft Di Or Comply. Darlington is obviously a good show for  Jack as he was also  BOB last year. RDCC his third Jenny Shorer-Wheelers Ch Koromandel Tusen Takk (ai)(Muchly) he also has 3CCs and is by Multi Ch Trollheimen JR Made for Cascillius x Sturtmoo’s Ffacination with Koromande. Later he was 5th in the Junior Dog Stakes under Ian Blackshaw and 4th in the Mitchells Grievson Reserve Best of Sex Pastoral Dog Stakes under Avril Cawtgers-Purdy. BCC & BVIB Jenny’s Ch Maidofcopper For Koromandel JW (Imp Fin) (Pikka) this was her 15th CC, she is on a roll as this was her 4th CC in a row, she also has 12RCCs and is by Nor Ch Gnipagrottans Qu x Fin Ch /Nor Ch Cipacan Milla Magia. This was also Jenny’s 40th CC won by dogs owned or bred by her. RBCC her third Michael Patrick and Leigh Ashman’s Tapui Starla (Freya)she is by Ch Koromandel Best Served Cold at Knytshall x Ch Kimura’s Vera With Tapui. BPIB Kirsty’s Bodi .

There was much amusement at the benches as Marie Corin and Adam Camm’s  Kligenthal Almuric(Bergen)  was entered in the Event Support Services Toilet Open Stakes, but they had the last laugh though as they won with a £20 first prize .The judge Jim Peach  told Marie he used to show Buhunds 40 odd years ago when they were table dogs! Bergen is by Ch Arnscroft Di Na Mo Farah of Koromandel JW ShCM x Ch Koromandel Gild The Lily. Judging over we all had a slice of one Jenny’s fabulous cakes that she had brought in celebration of Muchly gaining his third CC at WKC.

Remember entries close on 7th October for our club show on the 23rd October with breed specialist Wenna Wallbank holding centre stage. Wenna last judged the breed in 2018 at the National Working and Pastoral Breeds Ch show.

Stay safe everyone.

The views expressed in Margaret’s Breed Notes are hers and hers alone and do not necessarily reflect the views of the Norwegian Buhund Club of the UK