The August SKC has never had classes for Buhunds, occasionally they have been shown in the NSC classes but not this year. Debbie Penniston -Fleming who is probably the nearest Buhund owner to the showground has retired Ch /Am Ch Visions Dino of Trollheimen (Imp USA) (Casper), who she co owns with Pat Williams, he is now 11yrs old and has had a stunning show career since becoming a UK citizen including winning BOB at Crufts on three consecutive occasions, and a group at Driffield. Debbie therefore decided to take her Belgian Shepherd Bonivivant Look To The Future At Ailort who she also co owns with Pat Williams and Kath Morrison, they were all thrilled when he won his first RCC.
Tralee Ch show was held on Saturday, this was the last show of the Munster Circuit the judge was Mr Santos from the Philippines. When the judging was finished there were a number of very happy owners, BP was Kerry & Fritz Frost, Addrienne Frost Treadwell & Jacqui Walmsley’s Trelowen Aviator by Ch Trelowen Conar Tun x Trelowen Lola, this win made him an Irish Junior Champion. To earn the title of Junior Ch the dog has to be placed first in five Junior classes in its breed at Championship shows and has to be graded excellent each time. Unlike in the UK where the KC keeps a record and awards Championship titles, in Ireland the owner applies to the IKC for the certification with details of the shows, the classes and giving the grading the dog was awarded. Once this is confirmed the title can them be added after the dog’s name. So more like claiming our Junior Warrant. GSB was Brenda & Tony Bethell’s Lux Ch/Int Ch Arnscroft Glad Di Ola At Minforst this was her 7th Green Star so there were celebrations here as well, as she is now an Irish Ch to add to her Lux and Int titles. She is also by Ch Trelowen Conar Tun x Ch Arnscroft Kiss and Sturtmoor. Here the title has not only to be applied but there is also a charge. BOB & GSD was Brenda & Tony’s Zodiac’s Featuring Fredrik At Taevas Of Minforst (Imp US) by Am Ch Hundehaven’ Captain Voyager x Am Ch Zodiac’s Gracious Gretchen, he needs 2 more GS to become an Irish Ch. Brenda and Tony have now moved to Ireland and have been living in their caravan while looking for their forever home, which they think they have found if everything works out. We wish them every happiness and hope that they will still find time to cross the Irish Sea and visit occasionally.
Over the weekend I joined Debbie and partner Richard at Stonebridge agility show in Essex, it was a four day show but owing to work we only went for three. Fizz did two jumping Grade four jumping classes each day having a clear round in each. We decided now he is nearly eleven and a half to just keep him to jumping rather than the full agility classes, this will probably be his last year taking part in competition classes, next year he will probably do ‘Allsorts’ which is for beginner dogs or veterans. There is just the possibility though that the KC will bring in fourth height for dogs and lower the jump heights, in which case if Fizz is fit and well he still might be able to take part in competition classes, in his favourite pastime.
According to ‘Our Dogs’ Anne Smith’s Arnscroft Never Say Di, by Casper x Arnscroft Di Sing On Ice, is Top Buhund at the moment. The two puppies holding top spot are Jacqui & Michael Cobb & Nancy Kent’s Koromandel Best Served Cold At Knytshall by Am/Can Gr Ch Kynon’s Bold Norseman x Ch MaidofCopper for Kormandel JW and Di Stirling, Maddy Norman, Gail Hussey & Lynn Isaac’s Arnscroft Delilah At Veekay,she is byDelilah At Veekay Delilah At Veekay Ch /Ir Ch Arnscroft Di To Be A Sailor x Ch Arnscroft Di or Comply. Both these two are no longer puppies and with a new puppy out and about and several CC shows coming up,things may well change. Top Breeder is the Di Stirling with the Arnscroft Kennel.
Margaret Deuchar
The views expressed in Margaret’s Breed Notes are hers and hers alone and do not necessarily reflect the views of the Norwegian Buhund Club of the UK