We are into June and the Platinum Jubilee weekend celebrating the Queen’s amazing 70yrs on the throne is here. It seems only a few weeks ago we were welcoming in the New Year and hoping that the pandemic was on the way out. Well, covid is certainly still around as I know as many people now with it as I did then, but happily because of the vaccination programme it seems for most people to be no more than a bad cold and cough, so life it is getting back to something like normal, and the Platinum Jubilee with its planning and many celebrations is able to go ahead. Back in 1953 my father bought a television so that we could watch the Coronation on the 2nd of June, black and white in those days of course, and a year after the Queen had come to the throne. It rained on the day, but nobody seemed to mind, I do hope this year it will stay dry but with the British summer you just never know.
Pastoral Day at 137th Bath Ch show was the Sunday, and we were first in the ring at 9am. Bath Canine Society has owned the Three Shires Field for many years, it is situated in the hills above Bath with great views of the surrounding countryside. The area covers 50acres with a separate camping area and car park. It is a completely outside show with marquees and the popular in/out rings. Over the years the committee has improved the site, and but like most outdoor shows they have had their weather problems. One year I went on the Friday with the Papillion, and it was beautiful, I went back on the Sunday with the Buhunds without knowing that they there had been a terrible rain storm, and the ground was a quagmire and I didn’t have any boots! There was also the summer when the rain never seemed to stop and we had to park on the road and walk the dogs in, happily that hasn’t happened in recent years, and of course being their own ground, they have worked on it over the years especially where drainage is concerned. Last year we had our open show with Bath which was very successful but because we have members spread all over the country, we thought it only fair that this year it should be further north and it will be with Leeds Ch show.
Our judge was breed specialist Neil Hood giving CCs in the breed for the first time. He has been showing dogs since the age of 7 yrs as his mother showed Poodles, and he was Champion Junior Handler in the Working Group one year back in the 90s. He also started Sophie Wildig on her handling career, who as many of you will know she went on to be YKC Junior Handler of the Year in 2016, and this year won the Adult Handling 17yrs to 30yrs at Bath on the first day. Neil last judged the breed at our club open show in 2020.He came into the breed in 2010 and has been active within the breed ever since, with special milestone for his Ch Arnscroft Di Nah Saw Us Rex ShCM ShCEx VW. He found his BOB &DCC his 6th in my and daughter Debbie’s Ch Rikarlo Gable JW L3ex (Time) he also has 5RCCs and is by Koromandel Best Served Cold At Knytshall x Ch Kimura’s Vera At Tapui (Imp Nor). RDCC his 4th Marie Corin & Adam Camm’s Kligenthal Almuric (Bergen) his by Ch Arnscroft Di Na Mo Farah of Koromandel JW ShCM x Koromandel Gild The Lily. BCC her 2nd having won her first at The National, Lisa and Alex Strong’s Leggatts Dancing Queen At Draccus (Eris) she is by Frostisen Winsome x Knytshall Noor Ul Ain, she also has a RBCC. Michael Patrick and Leigh Ashman’s Tapui Starla (Freya)won her first RBCC, she by Koromandel Best Served Cold At Knytshall x Ch Kimura’s Vera At Tapui (Imp Nor).BV Jacqui and Michael Cobb and Nancy Kent’s Ch Trelowen Veryan To Knytshall RL1 she has 7BCCs and 9RBCCs she is by Ch Knytshall Ferdig x Int/Ir Ch Trelowen Yn Tek To Benzara.
One judge that was not listed at the beginning of the year was the one for Richmond Ch show, it has just been announced that it will be Karen Kennedy who will be giving CCs in the breed for the first time. She also gives CCs in Hungarian Pulis, Pyrenean Mountain Dogs and Swedish Vallhunds.
Following Jenny Shorer-Wheeler’s CC win with Koromandel Tusen Takk(ai) Muchly at SKC she said every CC is special, and over the 24yrs that she has been showing, her Koromandel kennel has won 51, she has bred 5 dogs who have won CCs, she has owned 2 dogs bred by other people who have won CCs but the CC won by Muchly was special as it is the first time, she has won a CC with a dog she bred and owns. Congratulations Jenny always a special day.
Stay safe everyone and have a lovely weekend, in whatever way you choose to spend it.
Margaret Deuchar
The views expressed in Margaret’s Breed Notes are hers and hers alone and do not necessarily reflect the views of the Norwegian Buhund Club of the UK