The first Leeds City & District Canine Association show was held in 1951 in Roundhay Park in the Shadwell district of Leeds. In the early 1970s it moved to Temple Newsam in Leeds where it stayed until in 1982, when it moved to its current home in the grounds of the beautiful Harewood House. When I first came into the breed the show had classes for us, and in those days it was a lucky show for me as my Ch/Int Ch Fullani Flekkefjord was BOB on several occasions, although it did not have CCs it was popular with exhibitors, but the show was on different dates at that time, it also moved group days and when Pastoral day was on a Monday it was not popular with exhibitors, then it also had difficulty in finding judges using a CC judge on one occasions. When the numbers started to drop for various reasons the show stopped scheduling the breed in 2008, until 2019 when it became one of the 10 KC All breed Ch shows giving CCs to all breed that have them, moving our set of CCs to Leeds from East of England, which you know was held for the last time this year. Last year we also had our Open show there, which unfortunately I could not attend as I had covid.
This year Pastoral day was Saturday 29th July, for those of us who travelled up the day before, travelling anywhere on the Friday is not good, it took us five and half hours instead of three and half. However, the show the next day was certainly worth the trip. The lay out had completely changed, to start with it was on a slightly different part of the estate where the ground was virtually flat, and the ground surface was perfect despite recent rains, although if there had been more heavy rain it might have been a different story, but happily that did not happen, it was lovely weather for owners and the dogs, warm but not hot. The show was benched with large in/out rings with the benches behind. The benching marquees were in an L shape, two along one long side, one on one short side with BIS ring one the other short side, the other long side had our tent one side of the entrance, and two rows of trade stands the other side of the entrance, the first stand was Our Dogs, the KC was also in attendance, and it was advertised as a Shopping Village. It proved to be a very popular layout. The food stalls ranged from Greek Street Food to Fish and Chips with everything in between. We were third in the ring after 31 Parsons Jack Russell Terriers and 17 Polish Lowland Sheepdog. Our judge was Jane Paradise giving CCs in the breed for the first time and who gives CCs in 23 breeds across 4 groups. She found her BOB and DCC his 8th in Jenny Shorer -Wheeler’s Ch Koromandel Tusen Takk(ai) (Muchly) he is by Multi Ch Trollheimen JR Made For Cascillius x Strutmoo’s Ffascination With Koromandel he also has 3RCCS.Thanks very much go to Kirsty Irvine for handling my and daughter Debbie’s Ch Rikarlo Gable JW (Time)to his 8th RDCC he is by Ch Koromandel Best Served Cold At Knytshall x Ch Kimura’s Vera with Tapui, he also has 9CCs. BCC her 9th Maddy Norman’s Ch Arnscroft Delilah At Veekay(Lottie) by Arnscoft by Di To Be A Sailor x Ch Arnscroft Di or Comply she also has 11RCCS.RBCC her 3rd Jenny’s Sturtmoor Ffascination with Koromandel (Fable) she is by Ch Koromandel Best Served Cold At Knytshall x Sturtmoor’s Eezee Luvva. Jenny had a busy show as BV was her Ch Maidofcopper For Koromandel JW (Imp Fin) (Piika) she has 15CCs and 12RCCs, she is by Swe/Nor Ch Gnipagrottens Qu x Multi Ch Cipacan Mila Magia. She was later shortlisted in the veteran group under Richard Kinsey. Then Jenny was back the next day with her Our Dogs hat on.
It was lovely that just before the judging Anne Smith arrived to have a catch up with us all. Anne was a previous chairman and saw the club through some very difficult times a few years ago, retiring to concentrate on her website business, she also used to show Ch Arnscroft Never Say Di,who was BOB at Crufts in 2018, but had to retire from showing after injuring her leg. Anne designed and runs our website and puts my Blog(notes)up every week. Most of you know that Jenny is a very good cake maker and as it was Kirsty’s birthday earlier in the week, what a very reason to have a Birthday cake, which Kirsty kindly shared with us all after the judging was over. As usual a very enjoyable day spent with Buhund owners and their dogs.
The following day Mary Dosson headed off with her and husband David’s Kligenthal Bran Mak Morn aka Teddy to Wiveliscomebe & District Canine Society two-day open show in Oakee Taunton, where he was BOB and then Pastoral Group 3 under Ian Crowther.
Jacqui Walmsley’s Frostisen Blakk Zitter aka Penny, handled by Ann- Marie Taylor has continued with her winning ways, having won the Pastoral group at Southampton & District Canine Association open show, the following day at the 80th Anniversary show of Dorset County Canine Society show which was a Qualifying show for Dorset Top Dog 2023,and was held at Farmer Palmers, Farm Park near Poole, she was Reserve Best AVNSC under Jane Stevens to the Group winner, she was then 2nd in the Ron Day Memorial Special Open stakes under Russell Jones. Of course, there were the usual comments, ‘I did not know they came in Black’!
I finish with the good news that Draccus Obsidian at Bucamereru (Ruby), Ch Koromandel Best Served Cold At Knytshall (Jamie) Leggatts Dakota At Knytshall(Toby)and Kligenthal Almuric (Bergen) all have had clear eye tests.
Stay safe everyone.
Margaret Deuchar
Any views expressed in Margaret’s Breed Notes are hers and hers alone and do not necessarily reflect the views of the Norwegian Buhund Club of the UK