Norwegian Buhund

Breed Notes 7th August 2020 Margaret Deuchar


In the US Faye Adcox took Ghost (GCHB Ch Fabrajs Protector of the Realm), to the Mountain Cluster dogs shows held on the Fairgrounds in Bloomsburg Pennsylvania. She said she was very impressed with how the shows were run. There was social distancing everyone wore masks had their temperatures taken when they arrived, the rosettes were handed out as the competitors left the ring, so only the steward touched them. The show was indoors it was very hot and Faye said it made for a long day, but the show went on and did what it had to. Ghost won two BOBs and Faye was third in the owner handler group.

South Korea has also held a dog show with everyone wearing masks and having their temperatures taken twice, I understand social distancing here was found to be more of a problem, especially with judges looking at dogs on the table. In the UK with the PM stopping some of the easing of lockdown, quite how shows will be run in the future we are yet to find out, with Bournemouth scheduled for October and Blackpool for September.

At the moment we have thank those who continue to run virtual events. The results from the most recent show run under the title of ‘Norwegian Buhunds c19 virtual Breed Show and Championship’ by Addrienne Frost- Treadwell are listed below. Over the weeks Addrienne has had several thousand entries for the various shows, which have given us all something to do and look forward to in the weeks of lockdown, there have been different judges for each show. Very many thanks to Addrienne for all her hard work, and to judges from all over the world, who have found time to judge the various classes. I am sure most of you know how virtual shows work. Photos are sent in for the various classes with the name of those sending them in removed by the organiser; the photos are then sent to the judge/s for their expert opinion. There have been many entries from Australia,Canada,Eire,Europe the US and of course the UK, apart from anything  else it has been a wonderful way of seeing photos of some lovely Buhunds, and other dogs in the class for dogs other  than a Buhund, and some fabulous Foxhounds in the show that was run in aid of Foxhound Rescue in Eire.

Many thanks go to Di Stirling (Arnscroft) who judged the most recent show. BDP & BP in show my and daughter Debbie’s Rikarlo Gable JW by Ch Koromandel Best Served Cold At Knytshall x Kimura’s Vera With Tapui (Imp Nor) BBP Lillian & Mike Rumsey’s Kata Syndattir Av Fjeldvidda(Imp NLD)(Darcy)by Nordspetsens Milo x Syn Tyradottir Av Fjeldvidda. JD The Frostisen Kennel’s Leggatts Fernando From Frostisen by Ir Ch Frostisen Winsome x Knytshall Noor. JB Jacqui and Michael Cobb and Nancy Kent’s Knytshall’s Eloise by Blakk Extacy Van Koekies Ranch (Imp Ned) (Mole) x Ch Trollheimen Elske To Knytshall (Imp US). OD Jacqui Walmsley’s Mole by Ned Ch Med Hjartas Assar x Ned/Int Ch Yrsa-Jitze Fra Den Norse Garden. OB Faye Adcox’s Raksha I am afraid I do not know her breeding. ChD & BIS Kerry & Fritz’s Ch Frostisen Leif (Mr Butler) by Leitgards Kong Olav Av Frostisen x Bikka AV Gilde og Frostisen.ChB the same owners Ch Frostisen Jozefine litter sister of Mr Butler. VD Kirsty Ann Irvine’s Ch Tapui Tane by Mr Butler x Ch Trelowen Sylvia Redenek To Tapui VB & BVIS Amie McLaughlin MBIS MRBIS MBISS Platinum Am GCH RBIS /Can CH Jotunn Bella Binna by Gnipagrottans Jesse James x Jotunn Anja Kola. Activity Buhund was won by a great photo of Maddy Norman’s Ch Arnscroft Delilah at Veekay leaping in the air to catch a ball. JoAnn WrightGodfrey won the team with a lovely photo of two Buhunds sitting on rocks with three other dogs. The pair’s class winner was Faye Adcox’s Luna and Hagrid litter brother and sister as puppies by GCHS CH Tsarshadows Ragnar Lodbrok x Raksha. Best Handler Micaela Kenyon with Tisla who is full sister to Lillian’s Darcy. Last but not least the winner of the class for AV not a Buhund was Brenda and Tony Bethell’s Franca,who is Cirneco dell’Etna she is sitting in an arm chair in the arms of a really huge monkey called  Spanka. Can’t even say a toy monkey he is so large! Thank you again Addrienne for another great competition.

I asked Brenda how she and Tony came to have Franca and she told me:-In May 2019, our daughter Sam persuaded us that we should add another breed to join the Buhund Gang. She had first seen a Cirneco dell’Etna in the Hound Group at Crufts and fell in love at first sight!  Tony had wanted a Whippet for us to show but I won the discussion and our Franca arrived! Sam and Jayne worked hard to persuade us to invest-so pleased they did!  Cyrenensis Lucia Franca at Minforst JD (Franca) was born on the island of Sicily on the 11th April 2019 bred by Diana Elisova by Cyrenensis Barocca out of Era and arrived in Ireland on 15th August, 2days before the Munster Circuit. One of the alternative names for a Cirneco is a Sicilian Greyhound – so Tony acquired his Little Whippet! ‘The Cirneco dell’Etna is an Italian breed of hunting dog from the Mediterranean island of Sicily. It is the named for the Etna volcano in Eastern Sicily. It has a keen sense of smell and is used to hunt small game particularly rabbits’. Living in Ireland our dogs are shown under FCI rules and the Cirneco(as a primitive breed)is shown in Group 5 along with the Buhunds, so rarely do we  have to chase between rings! She is just slightly taller than Freddy but weighs considerably less, and being short coated grooming is so easy. Franca is one of the very few dogs who will earn the Junior Diploma title over here this year due to Covid19 and we are so looking forward to getting her out and about with the Buhunds. Before lockdown in March I had applied to the KC for her ATC number, as we had planned a few trips across to the UK to try and earn her Crufts qualification for 2021. Hopefully, some of you will meet the Ginger Ninja before too long! Thanks so much Brenda very interesting, we look forward to meeting you all again, though I guess that will be next year now, so my wish to and everyone is keep well and keep safe.

Margaret Deuchar

The views expressed in Margaret’s Breed Notes are hers and hers alone and do not necessarily reflect the views of the Norwegian Buhund Club of the UK.