Our judge for City Of Birmingham was Steve Hall; he has judged the breed 5 times over the years, the last being at Birmingham National in May 2015. He gives CCs in 45 breeds, 22 of them in the Pastoral Group. He is also well known as being the Secretary of Blackpool Ch Show. The breed lost CCs there many, many years ago but the show has kept scheduling them without CCs, which we are always grateful for, although they do not change their days and the breed always tends to be late on a Sunday afternoon, so usually it is only those living relatively close that enter, those living futher south not fancying the trip home on a Sunday evening!
City has CCs for the breed and Pastoral Day was Saturday. BOB & DCC was Sarah Stonton’s Arnscroft In Di Ana Jack, he is by Ch A Di To Be A Sailor x Ch A Di Or Comply this was his 2nd CC, his first was at Windsor earlier this year, he also has 5th RCCs. Jacqui & Michael Cobb & Nancy Kent’s Koromandel Best Served Cold At Knytshall(Jamie)by Am/Can Gr Ch Kynon’s Bold Norseman(Idar) x Ch MaidofCopper for Kormandel JW was RDCC his 3rd he also has 2 CCs, here he was also Best Junior. He and Jack are now both on 2CCs and both are young dogs, so it will be interesting to see what the future holds for them both. BCC her 11th Margaret Garvie’s Ch Rhialis Psyche ShCM by Ch /Am Ch Visions Dino of Trollheimen(Imp USA) x Ch Ailort Just Jinks she also has 8 RCCs. Jacqui, Michael and Nancy’s Knytshall Angel Delight RL1Ex was RBCC, she is by Ch Arnscroft Di Nah Saw Us Rex x Ch Trelowen Veryan to Knytshall, she also has a CC. BP Kerry & Fritz Frost,Addrienne Frost Treadwell & Jacqui Walmsley’s Trelowen Amelia At Frostisen by Ch Trelown Conar Tun x Trelowen Lola this was her fourth BP award. BV Celia Vines Ch Ailort Highlander at Parvodene JW ShCM by Ch Olpenden Malachy at Parvodene x Ch Fullani Farek, he has 14 CCs &17 RCCs and is a past ‘Top Buhund of the Year’. After judging I gather there was a very enjoyable picnic. There was no joy in the groups but I understand there was great support with Jacqui Cobb Nancy Kent Anne Smith Sarah Stonton Jacqui Walmsley Celia Vines & Heather Bradbury supporting those in the various groups. There was quick visit for the show from Sue and Jacqui Sercombe from Northern Ireland being back on the evening ferry, Jacqui’s daughter Charlie is now crawling so is quite a handful.
Across the pond the Norwegian Buhund Club of America hosted the National Buhund Specialty at Lexington Horse Park Kentucky on Saturday 1st September. This is just one of a group of shows in the Blue Grass Classic Dog show cluster which ran from August 30th to September 3rd.There is breed and many other canine activities including Obedience, Rally Agility , Scent and Dock diving. I am sure you know that many dogs in the US are shown by professional handlers, so as well as the usual classes there are numerous other classes such as those for dogs handled by their owners, breeder owner handler, American bred dogs and bitches, the veterans are also split into several classes as are the puppies, with shows each day the Buhunds can enter shows as well as the speciality, I therefore cannot list all the winners. I will just mention Faye Adcox with Am Ch Fabraj’s Protector of the Realm by Trollheimen bred by Faye & Else Turner he is by AM GCG Trollheimen Kiss My Cash x Am GCH Trollhemen’s Pink Tourmaline, he gained an award of merit and 4 group placements in the owner handler group only missing out on one day. Faye of course you will remember visited us for our 50th Anniversary last year.
The overall BIS was Dawne Deeley’s Am Ch Tsarshadow Ragnar Lodbrok he is by Am GCH/Can GCH Kyon’s Bold Norseman (Idar) x Multi Int Ch/ Can Ch Kimura’s Karmen. He was bred by Dawne and is shown by Doug Belter. You will see from my report above that Idar is also the sire of Jamie. BOS was AshleyMartins & Karin Klouman’s Kyon’s Can/Am Ch Kyon’s One Prim and Proper shown by Ashley.
Dogs came from all over the country, many taking several days by road and others being flown in. Unless we show abroad for most shows in the UK we can travel daily or in some cases, with just one overnight stop. I gather they move the speciality around the country so that those having a long trip one year will find the show nearer to them the next but with such a vast country, I think many will have a long journey wherever it is.
Margaret Deuchar
The views expressed in Margaret’s Breed Notes are hers and hers alone and do not necessarily reflect the views of the Norwegian Buhund Club of the UK