ON THE 2nd Dec the Obreedience Team headed for the Kennel Club building at Stoneleigh. The team consisted of Debbie Deuchar with Ch/Bel Ch Tonlynn’s Charles LafitteAW(G)R1EX(Fizz). Jacqui Cobb with Knytshall Angel Delight R1EX. Sarah Stonton with Trelowen Andrea (Loxy) & Lisa Strong with Loki Snowflake. It is very unlikely that we will qualify for Crufts this year. I did not realise that you cannot alter your team from the first time you compete in the year and gain points, which we did back in April. At that time my Trelowen Ancorya(Kiki)was in the team with my Fullani Finnsmark as Reserve. When Kiki eyes were not so good Sarah kindly said she would come back into the team but I had not had her down as a Reserve, so we had to start again and be called Quatre Bu 2. We were not the only team caught by this rule, the Papillion team had the same problem. It is hard I think, as Finn is no longer with us having been diagnosed with Cancer a few months ago which proved to be very aggressive. Rules are rules and we have to abide by them, but it meant we lost the points we gained earlier in the year. We only practice when we compete and we definitely need more heel work practice. The individual exercises were better, Loki did ‘Go To Bed’ and earned the best mark of nine and half out of ten. This was a fabulous mark, Lisa has worked so hard with him as the first time he competed, he was really out of his comfort zone, although he would do the exercise at home he did not want to do it in competition, so very well done Lisa and Loki. Then it was the turn of Angel to do ‘Stop on Command,’ the dog has to be left in a wait and then called through a box, which is marked out with cones and the dog has to stop when told to in the box. Angel did the stop perfectly when Jacqui told her, but lost 2 marks, because you are meant to play with your dog after the exercise and Angel cannot see any point of this. It was then Loxy’s turn to do ‘Retrieve’ she also lost to two marks. The final exercise was ‘Scent’ the dog is turned away from a line of articles put down by the steward who adds the handler’s article to the line. The scent article for Fizz is a cloth, which he normally does really well, but this time he thought it would be funny if first he put a paw on it so he could not pick it up and then dropped it before picking it up again and presenting it to Debbie, so he only earned 7 out of 10points.There were then a number of run offs for various places and it was the scent dogs who were chosen to do the run offs! Fizz suddenly remembered how to do it, which he did almost perfectly, with the steward saying “if he had done that the first time”! We ended up 8th but were in fact only 7points behind the winners and there were 14 teams, and most importantly we were there.
The Saturday also saw Brenda and Tony Bethell head off to Treharris & District CS Christmas show at Tredegar, which held Buhund classes.BOB & BD went to their Zodiac’s Featuring Fredrik At Taevas of Minforst (Imp USA).BB was their Int/Lux Ch Arnscroft Glad Di Ola At Minforst(Freya)the judge was Jon Crossley. The next day Brenda and Tony again rose early, this time they headed off to Bristol & District OS held at Hutton Moor Leisure Centre Weston Super Mare, where Celia Vines Ch Ailort Highlander at Parvodene JW ShCM was BOB under David Jones with Freya again BB . Brenda said she was not sure she would want to do 2 shows back to back again.
I finish with the sad news that Jean Platt has had to say good bye to Lucy (Rossfort Anna Purna by Trelowen Jaudyn x Anna From Rossfort (Imp). She was the wonderful age of eighteen and half, Jean said she and her other Buhund Bulla are missing her so much. Lucy was not a show dog although she was BPIS at the Millennium Ch show under Kevin Young.
Margaret Deuchar
The views expressed in Margaret’s Breed Notes are hers and hers alone and do not necessarily reflect the views of the Norwegian Buhund Club of the UK