It was 27 yrs ago that snow caused problems for LKA, 2yrs before I came into the breed but the late Elizabeth Coleopy told me of how they were stuck for hours on the M45, on the way to the show. Eventually the police took down the central reservation barriers, so they could turn the traffic round. For many years exhibitors would not enter in case it happened again. Millie Lambert told me she also remembered the day, she said she was working at the Beacon View Kennels, when she left Wendover it was raining and in those days the radio did not come on till 6am, by the time she arrived at Banbury it was snowing heavily and the roads were getting bad. Never having driven in snow before she thought the motorways would be ok! She just made it and said she would never forget the show as it was great ‘doggy get together’ everyone was in high spirits. The snow then became so bad no-one was allowed out and everyone had to sleep there, there was no choice.
This year the Saturday was our breed day and was cold with just a few snow showers. Our judge was Judy Hearson who last judged the breed at Driffield in 2013 and in the past had the top winning Buhund Bulabs Sky Child; she also gives CCs in BSDs. She had a very good entry of 33, although on the day there were a few absentees due to the kennel cough and owners’ sickness. The day will definitely be remembered, as the DCC & RDCC both went to minor puppies. DCC & BP Nancy Kent & Jacqui & Michael Cobb’s Koromandel Best Served Cold At Knytshall (Jamie). He was also short listed in the PD stakes under Albert Wight, he is by Can & Am Grand Ch Kyon’s Bold Norseman, (who is visiting the UK at the moment) x Ch Maidofcopper For Koromandel (Fin Imp) JW. It says a lot for his temperament as this was his first show and nothing fazed him. RDCC Mr Stanniforth and Mrs Peacock’s Arnscroft Going For Gold Di by Ch /Ir Ch Arnscroft Di To Be A Sailor x Ch Arnscroft Di or Comply.BOB &BCC her 6th she also has 4 RCCs Jacqui ,Michael and Nancy’s Ch Trollheimen Elske To Knytshall (Imp USA) by Ch Hundehaven’s Captain Voyger x Trollheimen Arctic Ridge Onyx.RBCC her 7th she also has 8 CCs Margaret Garvie’s Ch Rhialis Psyche ShCM by Ch /Am Ch Visions Dino of Trollheimen(Imp) x Ch Ailort Just Jinks.BV Sue & Laura Cale and Millie Lambert’s Ch/ Ir Ch Arnscroft Kiss And Tell Di For Sturtmoor she has 15Ccs and 10 RCCs and is by Nor /Int Ch Kimura Didrik x Nor /Int Ch K Frieda,.
We were third in the ring after 76 Australian Shepherds and 65 Finnish Lapphunds. Jacqui Cobb told me they asked for a change of ring, which was just as well as Judy Hearson was handing out the DCCs as the Lapphunds were just finishing. Sadly the Pastoral Group judging had just finished by the time Jacqui & Elske arrived, she was allowed to go in but of course it did not give them time to settle, which was a shame. The only good thing was it gave everyone time to enjoy a pink themed picnic. Below is a thank you from Millie Lambert who underwent an operation for Breast Cancer only 10days earlier but made it to LKA-:
“I would like to say a very heartfelt THANK YOU to everyone in the breed for all your support at LKA for the ‘Think Pink’ campaign. It was lovely to see so many of you wearing pink and the pink themed picnic was awesome. Together with the cash donations that people made, and the raffle that was kindly organised by Sue Crocker for that beautiful bracelet, the total raised was £132.80.This will be added to my ‘Just Giving Page’ in aid of Breast Cancer Research as soon as mum can get it to the bank. At the time of writing this, including the amount above, the total raised to date is£1,231.20 with Gift Aid of £213 included, the total is £1,444.20 THANK YOU. Unfortunately, out of the 3 original ‘Think Pink’at LKA team members, that were due to go to LKA on Sunday to raise funds only one was able to get there due to the snow. I am sure Leanne Challands had a fabulous day and I know Clare Fordham and Rachel Blythe were devastated to have missed the day we have all been waiting for. They had worked so hard on organising the raffle and making bandanas, pink bow ties etc, their out fits were also amazing. The team total as on the Sunday for all 4 team members is £3,028.40(not including Gift Aid).A truly remarkable effort from everyone! Best Wishes Millie Lambert”
What Mille did not say was she was dressed in pink from head to foot including a pink wig!
We were meant to be doing Obreedience on the Sunday but with heavy snow forecast for the Birmingham area on the Sunday, I decided it was not right to ask team members to travel in what might be hazardous conditions. Snow was not forecast in the London area but as we now know the snow was much wider spread than originally thought, 2 out of the 17teams entered actually competed, with another one competing NFC, as they did not have their correct team members. Jacqui Cobb with Alysha Branchflower and Knytshall Moon of Josephine did make it on the Sunday to do Rally. Jacqui told me the journey was interesting to say the least and was certainly an experience. They did not arrive till 9.30am but the start had been delayed so they were able to do the ‘walk through’ (when you learn the course by walking round the signs before the class starts). Apparently Josephine was rather unsettled by the empty hall, the previous day she had been fine with lots of people around. Alysha did really well gaining a qualifying score of 182 in Level 1 (you start with 200 and lose marks for mistakes) and need 3 qualifying scores to move up a level. This was the first time both of them had competed in Rally so very well done.
The views expressed in Margaret’s Breed Notes are hers and hers alone and do not necessarily reflect the views of the Norwegian Buhund Club of the UK