BOSTON & District Canine Society held its first limited show in 1949 followed in 1952 with an open show, however it was not until 1989 that a second one was held .Then twelve years ago the KC awarded the Society Championship status, and a Ch show was held at Newark & Notts show ground with 16 breeds, 8 of which had CCs, there were also AVNSC classes for each group. In 2011 the show moved to the Exhibition Hall on the E of E show ground, more breeds were added including Buhunds and in 2014 the show was extended to 4 days to accommodate even more breeds. It is also a qualifier for Crufts now that the Crufts entry has been extended. The show is very well organised with the name of the breed on a board on the end of the benching, this is so helpful when you have a numerically small breed, I have spent hours looking for numbers at shows. You were also told where the benching would be for the rings, when the details of the show were published. There were no Buhund classes last year owing to falling entries but this year we were given another chance with classes again. It is difficult to keep the entries up as with no CCs and the middle of winter and a weekday, it would have been great for the puppies but none of them are quite old enough. Our judge was Tim Ball who gives CCs in 22 breeds over three groups, although most are in the Utility group. He found his BD & BOB in Anne Smith’s Ch Arnscroft Never Di (Oskar)by Ch /Am Ch Visions Dino of Trollheimen(Imp USA) x Arnscroft Di Sing On Ice. He was Top Buhund last year. RBD Sarah Stonton’s Ch Arnscroft In Di Ana Jack he is by Ch & Ir Ch Arnscroft Di To Be A Sailor Ir J Ch x Ch A Di Or Comply.BB Lillian and Michael Rumsey’s Ch Arnscroft Di Nah May who is Oskar’s elder sister.RBB Sarah Stonton’s Trelowen Andrea by Ch Trelowen Conar Tun x Trelowen Kyoo.
Across the Irish Sea Brenda and Tony Bethell took their homebred Minforst Galadreil(Ella) to Deise All Breed Open Show, for a little pre Ch show practice now she has her coat back. This was the first open show they had attended since moving to Ireland and worth the trip as Ella was BOB under Mrs Evans.
The festive season is now definitely behind us, next week will be the second Ch show of the year, Manchester which is the first on the new all breed Ch shows.
I am sure you all know who I mean when I write the name Noel Fitzpatrick, better known nowadays as the Supervet. I like reading the autobiographies of people that interest me, most have got where they are through hard work and sometimes also being in the right place at the right time. I was given Noel’s book for Christmas and it is the most amazing read, to get where he is today from a very humble start in life on a farm in Eire. Just shows what you can do if you have a dream.
Margaret Deuchar
The views expressed in Margaret’s Breed Notes are hers and hers alone and do not necessarily reflect the views of the Norwegian Buhund Club of the UK