Norwegian Buhund

Club Rescue

Buhund Rescue

Rules of the NBC of the UK Rescue Scheme. Go To: NBC Club Rescue Rules – See Below

For Club Buhund rescue contact by email:

Can you help give a Buhund a ‘forever home’. If you are interested please contact me and we will begin the process. Thankfully there are not many times we need to step in but I have noticed lately more of our breed need re-homing. I am head of rescue for the UK and with breed supporters all over the country am determined no Buhund will be left unaided.



a) To ensure that, where possible the breeders of Norwegian Buhunds in need of re-homing are contacted and requested to assist in that re-homing.
b) To arrange, where necessary, temporary accommodation for Buhunds in need and to arrange assessment as to their suitability for re-homing.
c) To arrange, where possible, for all suitable Buhunds in need to be permanently re-homed, and to give help and advice to their new owners.


a) Norwegian Buhund Rescue will be run by a Rescue Secretary and a committee of at least three members including the Rescue Secretary.
b) The Rescue Secretary will be invited by the members present at the AGM to serve in the position for a 2 year period. Such person shall be, and remain, a current member of the Norwegian Buhund Club of the UK.
c) The general committee at its first meeting after the AGM shall appoint one of its number to the rescue committee. This committee member shall be responsible for reporting rescue issues to the general committee.
d) Area representatives will be appointed as necessary, and will be responsible for the arrangements for collection, kenneling, assessment and re-homing of the Buhund.
e) At least one area representative shall serve on the rescue committee in order to comply with rule 2a.)


a) The Scheme will be financed by rescue fund money which will be listed separate on the accounts each year.
b) Funds may be made available for expenses incurred in an authorized rescue operation and for kenneling and veterinary fees. Any claims must be accompanied by valid receipts.
c) Funds will be raised by voluntary contributions and by fund raising activities. Both parties in a rescue operation will also normally be expected to make a contribution to the Rescue Fund.
d) Decisions regarding the use of Rescue Funds will rest with the Rescue Committee.
e) The committee member appointed under rule 2c) or the Rescue Secretary if also a member of the general committee, shall be responsible for liaising with the Hon. Treasurer for finance.
f) A report on the Rescue Fund will be given by the Hon Treasurer at the Annual General Meeting of the Club.


a) Rescue Secretary must be informed as soon as possible when any rescue operation appears necessary. Failure to comply may invalidate 3a and 3b above.
b) Rescue Secretary will contact the appropriate area representatives who will then take over responsibility for the necessary steps to be taken.
i. If possible the breeder of the dog should be ascertained and notified (see below- Breeders Responsibility.)
ii. Check the current arrangements for the dog are satisfactory and arrange kenneling if necessary.
iii. When the dog is handed over to the scheme, the appropriate forms must be completed and all relevant documents passed to the Rescue Secretary.

c) Registration documents will not normally be given to the new owners. Where it is considered necessary for the good of the breed, documents may be handed over, on the decision of the Rescue Committee.
d) Similarly the neutering of the dog concerned will usually be made a condition of the transfer of a dog to new ownership. Expenses incurred in this operation will be the responsibility of the new owner, except in exceptional circumstances.
e) All dogs will initially be re-homed for a one month trial period, the new home to be inspected by the Area Representative prior to and at least once during this period. In the event of either the dog or the new home being unsuitable, the Rescue Scheme will again resume responsibility for the dog.


The Rescue Scheme will be directly responsible to the NBC of the UK through the Rescue Secretary. However, it is recognized that Area Representatives will sometimes need to act on their own initiative, as prompt action is often necessary.


Breeders and stud dog owners will be notified by the Hon. Secretary that a dog they have bred has been collected by the rescue scheme. If the breeder/stud dog owner refuses to accept responsibility for the dog they will be notified that their names will be published in the next edition of the Buhund News.