Norwegian Buhund

Versatility Award

Pewter Award – 5 points in at least 2 different activities
Onyx award – 8 points in at least 2 different activities
Amber Award – 11 points in at least 2 different activities
Bronze Award – 14 points from at least 3 different activities
Silver Award – 17 points from at least 3 different activities
Gold Award – 22 points from at least 4 different activities


Owner/dog teams can earn points across any number of activities. Your highest achievement in each activity will be the one counted for that activity. Each achievement in each activity will count once, where a dog/han- dler partnership complete multiple achievements at the same level this will not earn additional points, there must be progression in the activity to progress in the awards scheme.

The points table in not exhaustive. If a dog/handler partnership are working in an activity not outlined in
the table, owners are invited to submit evidence of what has been done, and any framework provided by the governing body of the activity, and the committee will award points based on the evidence submitted. The points table merely outlines the most popular activities, but examples of other things you might claim points for include working trials, mantrailing, hoopers, flyball, trick training, herding instinct tests and so on. If you would like to assist the club by submitting a proposed points framework for a discipline you are experienced in, please contact a member of the NBCUK Committee.

The spirit of the Award Scheme is to encourage all Buhund owners to honour the intelligence and versatility of the Norwegian Buhund by trying new activities with their dogs and we invite all members to apply for the Versatility Awards detailing any activities they participate in, that require an element of training, appropriate temperament and some degree of commitment to attain. It is our hope that any Buhund should be able to achieve a Pewter Award with a little effort, we would expect relatively few partnerships to achieve the Silver and Gold awards as these will reflect a significant level of achievement across multiple disciplines and over some considerable time, but we are hoping you all surprise us!

Claims may be made by any current member of the club for any dog they currently own/compete with.

Claims must be accompanied by documentary evidence in each activity. (Photocopies/scans of certificates/ pictures of rosettes etc)

After joining the scheme by submitting a claim, a dog can continue to earn awards going forward with further achievements added to the current score, but will not receive awards below the level they initially achieve. Eg, Bob Jones submits a 11 point claim and achieves the Amber award, he is not then eligible to claim Pewter or Onyx but can claim in future for Bronze, Silver, and Gold.

ShowingGained a Crufts qualifying place at a Ch Show, or a class win at an open showBOB/BAVNSC at an Open Show.
Class win at a CC show or Club Open show (min 2 dogs present)
BOB at Non CC Ch Show. RCC or other studbook qual- ifying award.
Adult Group placing at Open Show
Best of Sex at Club Open show.
Group Win or higher at General Open Show
CC win or overseas equiv- alentCh Title in any countryAdult Group place at General Ch Show or BIS at Club Ch Show
(Except the italic section for 1 point all other wins / placings must be gained at open or champion- ship shows)
Place in an Obedience class at a Companion show or Basic Obedience Test 1st-3rd placing in Introduc- tory or Pre-BeginnersWin out of Pre-Beginners Top 3 placing at BeginnersWin at Beginners
Top 3 placing at Novice
Win at Novice Top 3 placing at AWin at A
Top 3 placing at B
Win at B or Top 3 place at CWin at C
AgilityClear round in pre-entered, scheduled classA place (receiving a placed rosette) in a pre-entered, sched- uled classTop 3 placing in a pre-entered, scheduled classTop 5 placing in a Ken- nel Club standard class (agility or jumping)Gained Kennel Club Agility Warrant BronzeGained Kennel Club Agility Warrant SilverGained Kennel Club Agility War- rant Gold, Plati- num or Diamond
ScentGain a level 1 qualifying scoreGain a level 2 qualify- ing scoreGain a level 3 qualifying scoreGain a level 4 qualifying scoreGain a level 5 qualifying scoreGain a level 6 qualifying scoreGain a level 7 qualifying score
RallyGain a level 1 qualifying scoreRL1 Title or a level 2 qualifying scoreRL2 Title or a level 3 qualify- ing scoreRL3 Title or a level 4 qualifying scoreRL4 Title or a level 5 qualifying scoreRL5 Title or a level 6 qualifying scoreRL6 Title
Good Citizen Dog SchemeCompleted Puppy CourseBronze Test PassSilver Test PassGold Test Pass
Canicross/Bikejor/ ParkrunAttend an organised eventAchieve a top ten finish at an organised eventAchieve a top 3 finish at an organised eventWin a race/category at an organised event
ObreedienceCompete at a scheduled heat as part of the Obreedience TeamAchieve a placing at a scheduled heat as part of the Obreedience TeamAchieve full marks in an indi- vidual exercise at a scheduled heatWin a scheduled heat as part of the Obreedience team
Heelwork To MusicAchieve a 50% score in StartersGain 75% score in StartersPlace in StartersWin out of Starters, or top 5 in NoviceWin at Novice
CharacterPass a basic NBCUK Character testQualify as a registered PAT DogTop 3 place at intermediateTop 5 place at advanced
Bu BumblesAttend a Bu BumbleOrganise a Bu Bumble