Norwegian Buhund

Darlington (CCs)

Darlington (CCs)

Date: 17/09/2023

Judge: Mrs Shelley Franks

Results & Critiques:

BEST OF BREED : 6232 KENT, Mrs N & COBB, Mrs J & COBB, Mr M Ch Koromandel Best Served Cold at Knytshall
Dog CC : 6232 KENT, Mrs N & COBB, Mrs J & COBB, Mr M Ch Koromandel Best Served Cold at Knytshall
Res Dog CC : 6239 SHORER-WHEELER, Ms Jenny Ch Koromandel Tusen Takk (ai) JW
Bitch CC : 6237 SHORER-WHEELER, Ms Jenny Ch Maidofcopper For Koromandel (Fin Imp) JW
Res Bitch CC : 6231 IRVINE, Mrs Kirsty Ann Ch Blackcombe Bodil at Tapui (Imp) Aus
Best Puppy :
Best Veteran : 6237 SHORER-WHEELER, Ms Jenny Ch Maidofcopper For Koromandel (Fin Imp) JW

Class 2256 VD NO ENTRIES

Class 2257 PD NO ENTRIES

Class 2258 JD (1 Entries) Abs: 0
1st: 6233 KENT, Mrs N & COBB, Mrs J & COBB, Mr M Leggatts Dakota at Knytshall


Class 2260 LD NO ENTRIES

Class 2261 OD (4 Entries) Abs: 1
1st: 6232 KENT, Mrs N & COBB, Mrs J & COBB, Mr M Ch Koromandel Best Served Cold at Knytshall
2nd: 6239 SHORER-WHEELER, Ms Jenny Ch Koromandel Tusen Takk (ai) JW
3rd: 6229 DEUCHAR, Mrs Margaret Joan & DEUCHAR, Miss Deborah Ch RIKARLO GABLE JW

Class 2262 VB (1 Entries) Abs: 0
1st: 6237 SHORER-WHEELER, Ms Jenny Ch Maidofcopper For Koromandel (Fin Imp) JW

Class 2263 PB NO ENTRIES

Class 2264 JB NO ENTRIES


Class 2266 LB (1 Entries) Abs: 0
1st: 6236 RUMSEY, Mrs Lillian & RUMSEY, Mr Michael Kata Syndattir Av Fjeldvidda At Wheatshade (Imp NL

Class 2267 OB (5 Entries) Abs: 0
1st: 6231 IRVINE, Mrs Kirsty Ann Ch Blackcombe Bodil at Tapui (Imp) Aus
2nd: 6240 STRONG, Mrs Lisa & STRONG, Mr Alex Leggatts Dancing Queen At Draccus
3rd: 6235 PATRICK, Mr Michael & ASHMAN, Miss Leigh Tapui starla
Res: 6238 SHORER-WHEELER, Ms Jenny Sturtmoors Ffascination with Koromandel


A big thank you to the exhibitors for making my day so enjoyable and for the support and encouragement you gave the winners of each class. Also, my thanks to the two stewards who kept everything moving smoothly. It has been five years since I last judged the Buhunds and in that time some new imports have arrived into the UK and also it was lovely to see a couple of blacks in the ring today. Such a pity no puppies or youngsters around at the moment, hoping that will improve soon.

JD (1) 1 Kent & Cobb – Leggatts Dakota At Knytshall. 14 months old black lad who was determined to have a great day out. Took a little time to settle on the move, eventually I did see some strong movement with both front and rear strides. Good wedge head and lovely eye and expression, just needs to fill out in body which will come with age.

OD (4,1a) 1 Kent & Cobb – Ch Koromandel Best Served Cold At Knytshall. I judged this dog five years ago and loved him then, at that time I just felt he needed some more time to mature. Well today he has definitely reached that top drawer. He oozes quality, balanced while standing and when moving he covers the ground with ease. Classic spitz head with that dark eye giving such a lovely expression. With a compact body, great shoulders and a good tail set he fits the standard perfectly. Was pleased to give him the DCC and BOB. 2 Shorer-Wheeler – Ch Koromandel Tusen Takk JW (AI) Another worthy champion, lighter in build to the winner. Loved his head and kind expression, good shoulders and compact body, correct tail and set. Moved with powerful reach and rear drive, very attentive to his handler. Just lacking in the coat department today.

RDCC. 3 Deuchar & Deuchar – Ch Rikarlo Gable.

VB (1) 1 Shorer-Wheeler – Ch Maidofcopper For Koromandel JW (Fin Imp) Saw this bitch as a youngster of 10 months and was pleased to give her the reserve bitch cc then and felt she had a bright future ahead of her. Now as a veteran of 8 ½ years she has excelled in the showring and also as a brood bitch as she is the mother of my DCC winner today. She is so balanced with super head and expression, lovely neck and shoulders, good firm body, correct tail and set with good neat feet. Excellent wheaten coat in tip top condition. Well- deserved BCC & BV.

LB (1) 1 Rumsey & Rumsey- Kata Syndattir Av Fjeldvidda At Wheatshade (Imp Nid) This 4 year old bitch is a lovely clear wheaten, unfortunately is currently lacking in her thick top coat. She has a good wedge head and dark eyes which gave that lovely expression, good neck and shoulder lines with a level topline when standing still and on the move. Her tail set is correct with a loose single curl to her tail.

OB (5) This was the most difficult class to judge today, full of quality bitches. So I had to really be picky when placing them. 1 Irvine – Ch Blackcombe Bodil At Tapui (Imp Aus) She is a complete picture of how a feminine bitch should look, well balanced medium size she is beautiful. Just loved her spitz head and appealing eyes, lovely neck and well-placed shoulders, compact and toned body, good tail and set. She covered the ground effortlessly, a worthy champion. Just felt the veteran bitch had the sparkle for me today.

RBCC. 2 Strong – Leggatts Dancing Queen At Draccus. Another beautiful bitch, black coat in excellent condition and texture. A feminine bitch with style and ring presence, very attentive to her a handler. Loved her outline, so balanced when standing and on the move. Super head and expression, lovely neck and shoulders, good firm body, correct tail and set and lovely neat feet. I’m sure she will change places with the winner on another day as they are both full of quality. 3 Patrick & Ashman – Tapui Starla
Mrs Shelley Franks