Show Date: Saturday 31st August 2019
Judge: Jane Paradise
Results & Critiques
I took over this appointment at short notice and hope the exhibitors were not too disappointed at the change of judge.
VD (3) 1 Vine’s Ch Ailort Highlander At Parvodene JW ShCM. Aged 12, he is still putting in such a good performance and his quality shines through. So alert and ready for action. His lovely dark eyes are surrounded by dark rims. Everything about him is moderate, with correct angulation fore and aft. He moves effortlessly and with purpose. RBD. 2 Shorer-Wheeler, Wheeler & Gillies’ Ch Arnscroft Di Na Mo Farrah Of Koromandel JW ShCM. Slightly finer build, again he is ready for anything and on the ball. Good outline with tight tail curl. Moving a little untidier than first today and paid the price. 3 Deuchar’s Ch & Bel Ch Tonylynn’s Charles Lafitte AW(G) RL2ex.
PD (1) 1 Deuchar’s Rikarlo Gable. A shapely, well balanced, youngster with good bone, straight forelegs and lots of potential. Wedge shaped head with kind eyes, excellent pigment with black eye rims and lips. High set ears, used well to show alertness. Level topline and high set, tightly curled tail. BPIB. Pleased that the Group judge awarded him PG2.
JD (1) 1 Deuchar’s Rikarlo Gable. BJIB.
OD (2,1) Stonton’s Ch Arnscroft In Di Ana Jack RL1Ex. He oozes quality breed type all through. Dark eyes and pigment and alert pointed ears. Harsh weather resistant outer coat with longer neck ruff. Slight arch to neck. Has a compact body, good depth of chest and is short coupled. He flows around the ring moving with light of foot at a brisk pace and holding a correct topline at all times. Fit for purpose. BD & BOB.
GCD (2,1) 1 Ch Ailort Highlander At Parvodene JW ShCM.
VB (2) 1 Stonton’s Trelowen Andrea AW(S). 10 years old, she stands four square, with head carried proudly on a slightly arched neck. She has the darkest of sparkling eyes. Each part of her flows easily into the next with no exaggeration. She excels in movement, moving straight and true with a moderate stride. BB & BVIB. 2 Cobb & Kent’s Ch Trelowen Veryan To Knytshall RL1. Nicely balanced girlwith erect alert ears and dark eyes. She has a longer and thicker coat than first.
PB (1) 1 Cobb & Kent’s Knytshall Eloise. Black puppy bitch who was somewhat lacking in confidence on the stand, but relaxes into herself more when moving. She has good overall shape and balance and holds her topline well with a strong neck. Neat feet. Just needs to tighten up on the front when moving.
JB (1) 1 Strong’s Leggatts Dancing Queen At Draccus. A very nicely shaped and balanced black girl with a sweet feminine head and expression. Good width in body with a short firm loin. Adequate bone for her sex, I really liked this girl very much so found it so frustrating that she keeps pacing when moving. Hope the handler works hard on resolving that.
OB (1) 1 Cobb & Kent’s Knytshall Angel Delight RL2ex. 6 years old, well balanced outline, with a thick coat. Excellent bone and very neat feet with tightly knit toes. Dark eyes in wedge shaped head. Very attentive and responsive to handler. She is so very sound from every angle and moves with animation. RBB.
Jane Paradise