Norwegian Buhund

Crufts (CCs)

Crufts (CCs)

Date: 09/03/2024

Judge: Kevin Young

Results & Critiques:

Dog Challenge Certificate 13100 – Ch Koromandel Tusen Takk JW (ai) (Mrs J Shorer-Wheeler)
Reserve Dog Challenge Certificate 13081 – Se/fin Ch Lissrakkans Atle (Mrs S Bernhardtz)
Bitch Challenge Certificate 13095 – Ch Arnscroft Delilah at Veekay (Mrs M Norman)
Reserve Bitch Challenge Certificate 13097 – Ch Tapui Starla (Mr M & Miss L Patrick & Ashman)
Best Of Breed 13100 – Ch Koromandel Tusen Takk JW (ai) (Mrs J Shorer-Wheeler)

Best Puppy 13102 – Draccus I Have A Dream (ai) (Mrs L & Mr A Strong)
Best Veteran 13101 – Ch Maidofcopper for Koromandel JW (Imp Fin) (Mrs J Shorer-Wheeler)

Class 2167. Veteran Dog Entries: 0 Absentees: 0
Class 2168. Puppy Dog Entries: 0 Absentees: 0
Class 2169. Junior Dog Entries: 0 Absentees: 0

Class 2170. Post Graduate Dog Entries: 2 Absentees: 0
1st Place 13084 – Leggatts Dakota at Knytshall (Mr M & Mrs J & Mrs N Cobb & Cobb & Kent)
2nd Place 13082 – Kligenthal Einar (ai) (Mrs L J & Ms E A Butterworth)

Class 2171. Limit Dog
Entries: 1 Absentees: 0
1st Place 13096 – Leggatts Night Fever (Mr K Owens)

Class 2172. Open Dog Entries: 7 Absentees: 0
1st Place 13100 – Ch Koromandel Tusen Takk JW (ai) (Mrs J Shorer-Wheeler)
2nd Place 13081 – Se/fin Ch Lissrakkans Atle (Mrs S Bernhardtz)
3rd Place 13085 – Kligenthal Almuric (Ms M & Mr A Corin & Camm)
Reserve (4th Place) 13084 – Leggatts Dakota at Knytshall (Mr M & Mrs J & Mrs N Cobb & Cobb & Kent)
Very Highly Commended (5th Place) 13094 – Frostisen Zeffer (Mr & Mrs D&j Langford)

Class 2173. Good Citizen Dog Scheme Dog Entries: 0 Absentees: 0

Class 2174. Veteran Bitch Entries: 3 Absentees: 0
1st Place 13101 – Ch Maidofcopper for Koromandel JW (Imp Fin) (Mrs J Shorer-Wheeler)
2nd Place 13086 – Knytshall Noor Ul Ain (Miss S Crocker)
3rd Place 13098 – Ch Ailort Just in Time (Mrs J Platt)

Class 2175. Puppy Bitch Entries: 2 Absentees: 0
1st Place 13102 – Draccus I Have A Dream (ai) (Mrs L & Mr A Strong)
2nd Place 13099 – Mazads Joie De Vivre (Mrs Ac & Mr Ag Platts)

Class 2176. Junior BitchEntries: 0 Absentees: 0

Class 2177. Post Graduate Bitch Entries: 1 Absentees: 0
1st Place 13091 – Draccus Obsidian at Bucamereru (Mr N & Dr J & Ms B Guillod & Rees & Guillod-Rees)

Class 2178. Limit Bitch Entries: 2 Absentees: 0
1st Place 13104 – Frostisen Blakk Zitter (Miss A & Mr D & Mrs M & Mrs A E Taylor & Taylor & Taylor & Frost-Tredwell)
2nd Place 13087 – Leggatts Jive Talkin (Miss S Crocker)

Class 2179. Open Bitch Entries: 6 Absentees: 2
1st Place 13095 – Ch Arnscroft Delilah at Veekay (Mrs M Norman)
2nd Place 13097 – Ch Tapui Starla (Mr M & Miss L Patrick & Ashman)
3rd Place 13083 – Ch Koromandel Gild The Lily (Mrs L J & Ms E A Butterworth)
Reserve (4th Place) 13090 – Ch Frostisen You Win Again Cen JW Cen W Jch (Mr R & Mrs K & Mrs A & Mrs C Frost & Frost & Frost-Treadwell & Flanagan)

Class 2180. Good Citizen Dog Scheme Bitch Entries: 2 Absentees: 0
1st Place 13086 – Knytshall Noor Ul Ain (Miss S Crocker)
2nd Place 13103 – Ch Leggatts Dancing Queen at Draccus (Mrs L & Mr A Strong)


PGD (2) 1 Leggatts Dakota at Knytshall (Cobb & Cobb & Kent). Black male presented in super coat condition. Lightly built with decent length of leg. Head broad tapering gently to a strong muzzle. Dark eye and pigmentation. Moved without any exaggeration and totally sound. 2 Kligenthal Einar (ai) (Butterworth). Liked this male for his type and has pleasing shape and balance. Just lacking coat today however, his coat was in good condition. Nicely balanced in head. Pleasing expression. Preferred movement on 1.

LD (1) 1 Leggatts Night Fever (Owens). Impressive Black male. Excels in breed type having super shape and balance. Good depth of body and length of leg. High tail set correctly curled over back. His correct angulations enabled him to move lightly and freely.

OD (7) 1 Ch Koromandel Tusen Takk JW (ai) (Shorer-Wheeler). The star of the day. This male has so much ring presence and a real performer. Having the most gorgeous head and expression with strength and balance. Neck fitting well into his front assembly. Level topline. Short loin. Correct tail set giving a square outline in profile. He moved out effortlessly with easy stride. He made every effort to impress for his handler in the breed ring and in the group ring. I was thrilled to see him shortlisted in the Group. A good ambassador for the breed. CC & BOB. 2 Se/fin Ch Lissrakkans Atle (Bernhardtz). Another quality male that caught my eye immediately. I was not disappointed when judging him. Quality head. Broad skull tapering well to strong and blunt muzzle. Almond shape eye of good colour. Moderate length of neck running into a good lay of shoulder. Firm and level topline. High tail set and carriage. His shape and angulations are moderate giving balance. Looked similar in type to the winner. Preferred the movement on 1. Pleased the handler made the trip from Sweden. Res CC. 3 Kligenthal Almuric (Corin & Camm). This was a good 3rd in a strong class of quality males. Liked his size, bone, and substance. Head is in proportion to his body. Moderate length of neck. Level top line. Good coat condition. showed and handled well. R Leggatts Dakota at Knytshall (Cobb & Cobb & Kent) VHC Frostisen Zeffer (Langford).

VB (3) 1 Ch Maidofcopper for Koromandel JW (Imp Fin) (Shorer-Wheeler). Lovely veteran bitch looking well in decent coat. Head broad and flat. Ears placed on top of her head. Good eye giving a soft expression. Good length of neck. Level topline with tightly curled tail. Looked good in profile winning on movement and body condition. Best Veteran. 2 Knytshall Noor Ul Ain (Crocker). Black bitch presented in good coat condition. Lovely dark eye and pigmentation with tight lips. Good length of leg and depth of body. Moved well enough to win second. Would like slightly more body weight. 3 Ch Ailort Just in Time (Platt). I would like to thank the handler for bringing this beautiful bitch 17 years of age. The ring side applauded her as she moved around the ring. She is carrying weight as expected for her age. She is lovely in breed type. gorgeous head and expression. Medium length of neck. Correct length of leg.

PB (2) 1 Draccus I Have A Dream (ai) (Strong). Real baby who is looking well. Sweet head and expression. Neck of decent length with level top line. Lightly boned, however everything in proportion. She has a decent shape and outline. Just needs training to show her qualities. Best Puppy. 2 Mazads Joie De Vivre (Platts). Very appealing youngster. Liked her for size with enough bone. Pleasing balance of head. Ears well placed. Fair length of neck flowing into a level topline. High tail carriage. Well, done on coat condition. preferred the eye and front feet on 1.

PGB (1) 1 Draccus Obsidian at Bucamereru (Guillod & Rees & Guillod-Rees). Attractive bitch presented in super coat and condition. Lightly built and smooth fitting coat. Broad skull however not to heavy. Moderate length of neck fitting well into her front and rear assembly. Would like her to tighten in the front feet. Well, handled.

LB (2) 1 Frostisen Blakk Zitter (Taylor & Taylor & Taylor & Frost-Treadwell). Very appealing black bitch who shows herself off well, also nicely handled. Making a pleasing outline showing good angulations. She has depth of body with good length of leg. Her length of body enables her to move soundly and freely. 2 Leggatts Jive Talkin (Crocker). Feminine bitch having pleasing breed type. Although not in full coat at present, she has good condition. Lightly boned with enough angulations. I preferred the eye and expression on 1.

OB (6,2) 1 Ch Arnscroft Delilah at Veekay (Norman). This bitch is beautiful and is what I was looking for. Gorgeous head of great balance. Dark brown eye giving a lively and alert expression. Correct length of neck slightly arched. Good length of rib cage and strength of loin. Her movement was a joy to watch. She moved with a firm and level topline. She came close to top honours. Preferred the outline of the BOB while standing. Bitch CC. 2 Ch Tapui Starla (Patrick & Ashman). This bitch has everything I was looking for except she was out of coat to receive top honours. One of the best heads of the day. Correct eye. Ears placed perfectly. Skull and muzzle of equal length. Moderate length of neck flowing into super angulations. Nothing is exaggerated about her, moving straight and effortlessly. Res CC. 3 Ch Koromandel Gild The Lily (Butterworth)

GCB (2) 1 Knytshall Noor Ul Ain (Crocker). 2 Ch Leggatts Dancing Queen at Draccus (Strong). Black bitch presented in excellent coat condition. Excels in head type. Well balanced head with just enough stop. Almond shape eye giving a nice expression. Good front and rear angulations. High tail set. Pleasing shape. Needs to tighten in front feet.
Kevin Young