Show Date: Saturday 19th October 2019
Judge: Mrs Liz Cartledge
Results & Critiques:
The Norwegian Buhund Club of the UK held a 28 class Championship show at Overseal Village Hall, Swadlincote, a new venue to me but very suitable for this size breed show. The hall was decorated very nicely with Norwegian touches. I was lucky to have Jenny Shorer-Wheeler steward for me – she is also the Club’s Secretary and everything was very well organised. I was pleased with the quality overall although size was up and down the scale with quite a variance. After the judging everyone was invited to participate in the most marvellous free picnic; it was a fantastic spread. What a great idea and I should think most breed club shows could do something like this for their members, bringing everyone together, eating good food and generally enjoying a day out. As I have said many times before, dog showing should be an enjoyable hobby which these days seems a thing of the past. Best in Show was the dog Ch Koromandel Best Served Cold At Knytshall; RBIS & BOS, Ch Rhialis Psyche ShCM, BPIS Trelowen Kristopher & BVIS Ch Trelowen Veryan To Knytshall.
PD (1) 1st & BP Sercombe’s Trelowen Kristopher, 10mths black, very happy and co-operative, good outline, well fitting coat, attractive head, keen intelligent expression, well handled, moved and showed quite well. Kristopher was in fact the only Buhund puppy here today.
JD (3) 1st & RCC Deuchars’ Rikarlo Gable, 13mths Wheaten, easy winner for me, very good head and expression, dark intelligent eyes, strong body, very fit and well muscled, excellent coat and condition, high set tail, natural showman, moved well. Excellent quality youngster in very good form. 2nd Frosts’ Leggatts Fernando From Frostisen. 14mths Black, just lacking a little confidence at first but moved ok once he found his stride. Keen and alert if a shade overwhelmed. Good body, excellent coat, well proportioned and handled. 3rd Le Fleming’s Knytshall Edgar.
YD (1) 1st Deuchars Rikarlo Gable.
PGD (1) 1st Glibbery’s Rikarlo Grant, 13mths litter brother to Junior Dog winner, all male with masculine head, keen expression, very good coat, body and condition, very interested in what was going on around him. Moving a bit close behind and up to size.
LD (1) 1st Frost’s Fabrajs Your Obedient Servant Mr Burr, 18mths smart youngster of good type, typical head, kind, dark eyes, well conditioned with excellent coat. Persisted in pacing the whole time.
OD (3) 1st CC & BOB, Cobb & Kents’ Ch Koromandel Best Served Cold At Knytshall, 2 ½ yrs wheaten and here we had the star of today. Very nice for size and type, lovely silhouette and proportions, quality head, very good expression, clean neckline, good tailset and quarters, easy over, great showman. I liked him very much, comfortable BIS here. 2nd Sercombe’s Trelowen Colane, 3yrs Black, another with a clean outline and good overall proportions, attractive head and expression, well handled and presented, good coat and body, steady showman. 3rd Smiths’ Ch Arnscroft Never Say Di, 3 ½ yrs delightful character, well up to size for me, good outline, body and coat, fit and well conditioned, moved and showed well.
ChD (4,1a) 1st Frosts’ Ir Ch Trelowen Aviator At Frostisen, 2yrs, quality head, typical expression, kind eyes, firm body, good bone, legs and feet, very good condition, never stopped wagging his tail. 2nd Stontons’ Ch Arnscroft In Di Ana Jack. 3 ½ yrs, close second here, well set and carried tail, clean silhouette, good head and expression, lovely topline, moved well. Just a little unsure of himself which turned the tables here but there was very little in it. 3rd Vines’ Ch Ailort Highlander Of Parvodene JW ShCM, hard to believe he is over 12 years old, what a good old laster, still clearly enjoys his showing, keen and willing to please. Strong body, typical head, expressive eyes, steady and relaxed. Just not moving as fluently as 1&2. Credit to his owner for keeping him in such good form.
VD (4,1a) 1st Shorer-Wheeler, Wheeler & Irvines Ch Arnscroft Di Na Mo Farrah Of Koromandel JW ShCM, 7 yrs Wheaten, in great form if not in full coat, quality head, pleasing expression, clean outline, handled to advantage, moved and showed well. 2nd Lamberts’ Ch Svartkonge Av Sturtmoor, 8 yrs Black with distinguished grey muzzle, happy showman with good body and neckline, well presented coat, went well. 3rd Walmsleys’ Blakk Extacy Van Koekies Ranch (Imp NLD) 7 yrs quite a big lad and today carrying a little surplus weight. Strong, masculine head, excellent coat, sympathetically handled, could move with a little move drive.
Vintage D (3) 1st Ch Ailort Highlander At Parvodene JW ShCM, 2nd Deuchars’ Ch/Bel Ch Tonylynns Charles Lafitte AW(P) RL2 12 ½ yrs, still a good outline, coat not at it’s best but he moved nicely, consistent showman, pleasing head and eyes, good neck. Long nails spoilt overall impression for me. 3rd Cobbs Ch Knytshall Ferdig, 14 yrs plus, this Black has a keen, alert expression, showed nonstop, failed in tail carriage and feet to 1&2.
Working D (3) 1st Ch Ailort Highlander At Parvodene JW ShCM. 2nd Ch/Bel Ch Tonylynns Charles Lafitte AW(P) RL2. 3rd Knytshall Diamond Ted, 6 ½ yrs Wheaten, big lad, masculine and self confident, good coat and body. Lacking drive in movement today but showed ok.
JB (4,1a) 1st Crockers’ Leggatts Voulez Vous, black, 14mths feminine bitch who eventually settled down to move properly, quality head, keen expression, good body, bit restless, sympathetically handled. Nails need cutting. 2nd Strongs’ Leggatts Dancing Queen At Draccus, litter sister to 1st, well set and carried tail, firm body, dark intelligent eyes, attractive head, very well handled. 3rd Cobb and Kent’s Knytshall Elouise, 12 mths, rather nervous when being handled, keen expression, shade long in body, moved ok. Just needs time to gain maturity and confidence.
YB (1) 1st Kania’s Rikarlo Garbo, 13mths, quality youngster in good form, clean outline, good head, expressive eyes, well handled, moved ok once she got going.
LB (3) 1st Crockers’ Knytshall Noor Ul Ain, nearly 4, typy black, good head, keen expression, well carried ears, good attitude, enjoying her showing, excellent outline and proportions. 2nd Camm’s Arnscroft Di Amond Pearl, 3 ½ yrs showy and co-operative, quality head, does not want to carry any more weight, lovely expression, excellent coat. Moved and showed OK but not very animated. 3rd Sercombes’ Trelowen Pink Pigeon, 6 yrs black, on the small side, attractive head, keen and interested, keen and interested, well presented and handled. Could be a little more convincing in movement.
OB (5,1a) 1st Irvines Kimura’s Betty With Tapui (Imp Nor), 4 yr very nice quality bitch, gorgeous head and expression, kind, dark eyes, clean outline, good proportions, moved and showed well, handled to advantage. 2nd Frost and Kloumans’ Ir Ch Kyons Dronningen Av Frostisen, 19 mths, I liked this bitch very much, typical head and expression, well balanced and proportioned, keen and intelligent on the move, steady showgirl. 3rd Garvies’ Rhialis Lucina, 4yrs, losing her coat big time today. Quality head, no more weight please, fond of her own voice! Showed well but could have put a bit more into her movement, well handled.
Ch B (2) 1st CC, RBIS & BOS Garvies’ Ch Rhialis Psyche ShCM, 6yrs plus, top quality bitch with excellent overall proportions and balance, very good head, keen intelligent expression, fit body, easy mover, devoted showgirl who looked very well. 2nd Norman, Hussey & Isaacs’ Ch Arnscroft Delilah At Veekay, 2 ½ yrs, size bigger than 1st and also a shade longer in body. Very showy and co-operative, good head, well set and carried tail.
Vintage B (4,1a) 1st RCC & BVIS Cobb & Kents’ Ch Trelowen Veryan To Knytshall, 10 yrs, comfortable winner for me, quality head and expression, high set tail, best mover in this class, can still hold her own in strong company. 2nd Sercombes’ Trelowen Kyoo, 11 yrs, full of herself and could hardly contain herself as she was so eager to please. Feminine head, well handled. 3rd Normans’ Marambu Tamnavulin, 12 ½ yrs, a bit overweight today and lazy on the move. Excellent coat, pleasing head, intelligent expression. Standing a little cow hocked.
Working B (5,1) 1st Ch Trelowen Veryan To Knytshall. 2nd Shorer-Wheelers’ Ch Maidofcopper For Koromandel JW (Imp Fin) 4 yrs, good honest bitch, dark intelligent eyes giving good expression, attractive head, good bone and body, happy co-operative showgirl, well fitting coat, moved ok. 3rd Stontons’ Trelowen Andrea AW(S) 8 yrs which is hard to believe as she looks very fit and agile. Very feminine in head and outlook, happy personality. Could’ve moved with a bit more purpose.
Brace (2) 1st Crockers well matched mother and daughter, Knytshall Noor Ul Ain & Leggatts Voulez Vous, who went well together. 2nd Sercombes Trelowen Kristopher and Trelowen Colane.
Team (1) 1st Sercombes two blacks and two wheatens, slightly on the wild side but looked really well going round together.
Liz Cartledge.
Summary Results
Best In Show Ch Koromandel Best Served Cold At Knytshall
Res Best In Show/Best Opposite Sex Ch Rhialis Psyche ShCM
Best Puppy In Show Trelowen Kristopher
Best Veteran in Show Ch Trelowen Veryan To Knytshall RL1
Res Best Veteran In Show Ch Arnscroft Di Na Mo Farrah of Koromandel JW ShCM
Best Black Knytshall Noor Ul Ain (i think, but may have been Tissy!)
Puppy Dog 1st Trelowen Kristopher
Junior Dog 1st Rikarlo Gable, 2nd Leggatts Fernando at Frostisen 3rd Knytshall Edgar
Yearling Dog 1st Rikarlo Gable
Post Graduate Dog 1st Rikarlo Grant
Limit Dog 1st Fabrajs Your Obedient Servant Mr Burr
Open Dog 1st Ch Koromandel Best Served Cold At Knytshall 2nd Trelowen Colane 3rd Ch Arnscroft Never Say Di
Champion Dog 1st Ir Ch Trelowen Aviator at Frostisen 2nd Ch Arnscroft In Di Ana Jack 3rd Ch Ailort Highlander At Parvodene JW ShCM
Veteran Dog 1st Ch Arnscroft Di Na Mo Farrah of Koromandel JW ShCM 2nd Ch Svartkonge Av Sturtmoor JW ShCM 3rd Blakk Extacy Van Koekies Ranch
Special Vintage Dog 1st Ch Ailort Highlander At Parvodene JW ShCM 2nd Ch Tonylynns Charles Lafitte AWP RL2 Ex 3rd Ch Knytshall Ferdig
Special Working Dog 1st Ch Ailort Highlander at Parvodene JW ShCM 2nd Ch Tonylynns Charles Lafitte AWP RL2 Ex 3rd Knytshall Diamond Ted
DCC Ch Koromandel Best Served Cold At Knytshall RDCC Rikarlo Gable BPD Trelowen Kristopher BVD Ch Arnscroft Di Na Mo Farrah of Koromandel JW ShCM
Junior Bitch 1st Leggatts Voulez Vous 2nd Leggatts Dancing Queen At Draccus 3rd Knytshall Elouise
Yearling Bitch 1st Rikarlo Garbo
Limit Bitch 1st Knytshall Noor Ul Ain 2nd Arnscroft Di Amond Pearl 3rd Trelowen Pink Pigeon
Open Bitch 1st Kimura’s Vera At Tapui 2nd Ir Ch Kyons Dronnigen Av Frostisen 3rd Rhialis Lucie Res Trelowen Dizzy Rascal
Champion Bitch 1st Ch Rhialis Psyche 2nd Ch Arsncroft Delilah At Veekay
Special Vintage Bitch 1st Ch Trelowen Veryan To Knytshall 2nd Trelowen Kyoo 3rd Marambu Tamnuvalin
Special Working Bitch 1st Ch Trelowen Veryan To Knytshall 2nd Ch Maidofcopper For Koromandel JW (Imp Fin) 3rd Trelowen Andrea Res Leggatts Dancing Queen At Draccus
BCC Ch Rhialis Psyche RBCC Ch Trelowen Veryan To Knytshall BVB Ch Trelowen Veryan To Knytshall
SAC Classes
Open Dog 1st Oskar, 2nd Ted, 3rd Mo Res Mole
Open Bitch 1st Betty 2nd Eris
Ch D/B 1st Jamie 2nd Piika 3rd Oskar Res Ferdig