Show Date: Saturday 16th February 2019
Judge: Di Butler
Results & Critiques
Thank you to the committee for inviting me to judge this well run show. To all the exhibitors who brought such lovely quality dogs for me to judge. Although it made for some difficult decisions. But I thoroughly enjoyed my day. 1 Strong’s Leggatts Dancing Queen. A delightful 6 month old black bitch with an enchanting expression. Lovely dark eye, head developing well. Super ear set. Good length of neck into well made front. Straight top line with correct tail set. The right amount of rear angles. Soundly constructed which showed in her excellent movement. Showed like a pro in superb condition her coat was gleaming. Early days for this baby, but everything there just waiting for maturity. BP. 1 Cobb and Kent’s Koromandel Best Served Cold at Knytshall. Eye catching young wheaten male coming up to his prime. The best of heads, super well set on ears. Correct length of neck into lovely front. Good depth of body with a strong hard topline. Superb rear, with lovely high set tail. Just the right amount of bone. Giving him a correct square body. Presented a lovely outline both standing and on his excellent movement. I think he is designated for a great future RBOB. 2 Smith’s Ch. Arnscroft Never Say Di. Lovely 3yr old wheaten. Very typey head with dark eyes and lovely expression. Neat ears, strong jaw with correct bite. Straight strong forelegs, deep chest, moderate rear. Just a fraction taller than my winner. But does not detract from his overall quality. Balanced sound mover. 3 Deauchar’s Ch & Bel Ch Tonylnn’s Charles Lafitte AW (G) RL ex Both beauty and brains, need only to look at his titles. OB 1 Shorer-Wheeler’s Ch Maidofcopper for Kotomandel JW Fin Imp. Well what can I say about this lovely wheaten bich that hasn’t been said before. Beautiful head of correct proportions dark eye high well set ears. Moderatly arched neck into straight front, deep chest, and strong hard top line. Strongly muscled rear with correct angulation.Neat feet good tail set. Came into her own on her effortless balanced movement. Could not deny her BOB. 2 Rumsey’s Ch Arnscroft Di Nah May. Another worthy CH with a super head and lovely expression Correctly set ears into super front Good tail set. Painted a superb square outline both standing and on her stylish good striding movement. 3 Smith & amp; Deuchar’s Kimura’s Tyra at Arnscroft.Unlucky to meet the two exceptional bitches in front of her.
Di Butler