Norwegian Buhund

NBC of the UK Championship Show

Show date:  Saturday, 22nd October 2016

Postal entries close on:  Friday, 7th October 2016

Judge:  Mrs Kerry Frost (Frostisen)

Download Schedule and Entry form here:

Held at:  Tomlinsons Canine Centre, Upper Grange Farm, Ratby Lane, Markfield, Leicester. LE67 9RJ.



Bu Ch Show, Dog Critique, Judge Kerry Frost, ( Frostisen )

Norwegian Buhund Championship show October 2016 Judge Mrs Kerry Frost (FROSTISEN) I Would like to thank the Buhund Club for this opportunity to Judge this very special breed. I was pleased with my winners and the temperaments, movement on the whole was not good and is non comparative with movement of yesteryear. I think their could be a big problem with front movement. Straight coming and going has gone in my opinion, I have said it before if they had to go up a mountain for sheep they would have problems, I personally don’t like high stepping it prevents drive but I think that it is wrists that are the problem, the pasterns have become weak. As a generalisation the breed has become finely built rather than lightly built hence not so much strength in the forequarters , I am happy to accept single tracking at a faster gait but single tracking still involves straight coming and going and what we have today is by no means straight. The Buhund is a working shepherd dog and should move accordingly it should drive from its hocks with strong action, Breeders please look at your stud dogs movement, this is going to take some careful breeding to rid the breed of this kind of movement, also tucking under one dog in particular ,but nice to see the double curl to the tail and shorter backs their rapid and penetrating bark is still very prevalent today.

Class 1. Minor Puppy Dog (1) no absentees. 1. Stonton’s, Arnscroft In Di Ana Jack. Pale wheaten, 7 months old, Good outline for a puppy, Lovely head and ears, dark eye, nice tail, neat feet. fit’s the standard so far, will do well.

Class 2. Puppy Dog (3) No absentees. 1.Maynard’s, Knytshall Black Orloff.11 month old Black, at this early age my notes say X Factor, good size and outline for a black, lightly built but with substance for a puppy, pretty hansom head, good tail and set, neat feet and moved well, both handler and dog need to practice, I am sure it will all be worth it. 2. Stonton’s, Arnscroft In Di Ana Jack. Winner in the last class, this baby will change places with 1 I am sure. 3.Smith’s, Arnscroft Never say Di. Good colour and pigment, masculine young man of good size, moved OK, just needs more handling.

Class 3. Junior Dog (1) No absentees. 1. Maynard’s, Knytshall Black Orloff. Winner of puppy dog.

Class 4. Yearling Dog (No Entries)

Class 5. Novice Dog (No Entries)

Class 6. Post Graduate Dog (1) No absentees. 1. Owen’s, Sturtmoor Danfandango. Outline fit’s the picture, pale wheaten of 3 years old, good head and proportions, eyes a little round for me, top line good, not really wanting to play the game, neat feet, light nails, side action OK.

Class 7. Limit dog (3) No absentees. 1. Cobb,Cobb & Kent’s, Knytshall Diamond Ted. 3 Year old pale wheaten, in excellent condition, good size, bone not over done, very well muscled, but still lightly built of the right size, not too small, true outline, level top line, lovely expression and head, used his ears well, very alert, best mover so far this boy could do a days work. DCC&BOB. 2. Lambert’s, Sturtmoor Destiny’s Day. Lovely black, correct proportions, masculine head with well set ears, fit’s the picture with level top line and well placed tail, still has some maturing to do, moved OK, could also do a days work . 3. Bethell’s, Zodiac’s Featuring Fredrik at Taevas of Minforst. (IMP USA) A 3 year old rich wheaten with very good pigment again a very good out line but carrying too much weight, this dog is typical of the 80’s Buhund, very masculine and fit’s the picture, good top line and bone, neat feet, movement good and would improve with less weight.

Class 8. Open Dog (6) 1 absentee. 1. Lambert’s, CH Svartekonge av Sturtmoor (IMP NOR) JW SHCH.4 year old black, squarely built, best of heads, ears good, nice neck to level top line to curl of well set tail, moved well, solid working well muscled dog, good bone yet lightly built, I would have liked more of him. RDCC 2. Coe’s, Trelowen Big Daddy. Beautiful pale wheaten of 3 years old, good out line with a true bu coat, great colour and texture, pretty hansom expression , good overall pigment, ears alert and mobile, tail and set as standard, side action good, just missed out on hind action. 3. Shorer, Wheeler & Bolton’s, CH Arnscroft Di Na Mo Farrah of Koromandel JW SHCH. 4 year old pale wheaten , lightly built, well proportioned head with good expression , good neck to top line, well set tail, nice neat feet, best of outlines moved well with his professional handler.

Class 9. Veteran Dog (1) No Absentees. 1. Vine’s, CH Ailort Highlander at Parvodene JW SHCH.9 Year old rich wheaten fit’s the frame, lovely head and expression, good bone and well muscled, the best I have seen this boy move. Good straight front and angulation, a well trained gent and a happy chap!

Class 10. Special Vintage Dog (1) No Absentees. 1. Norman’s, Trelowen Govyn of Marambu. 16 years young, a real Buhund good bone and no muscle wastage, true head , eye and expression, nice tail good angulation, moved really well straight coming and going on nice neat feet really happy bu I just loved him. BVD


Ch Show Critique Bitches, Judge Kerry Frost ( Frostisen )

Class 11. Minor Puppy Bitch (1) No Absentees. 1. Camm’s, Arnscroft Di Amond Pearl. 7 month old very pale wheaten pretty bitch, slightly fine in the muzzle, good ears and double curl to the tail, lightly built at this stage with level top line and good angulation, neat feet moved OK.

Class 12. Puppy Bitch (4) No Absentees. 1. Crocker’s, Knytshall Noor Ul Ain. 10 Month old stunning black bitch, original type a credit to the breeder, best I have seen in a long time, although a baby she fit’s the frame and standard ,lightly built typical black, good bone at this stage for a black everything in the right place, the dog as a whole was alert, good head and expression, mobile ears, neat feet moved really well a well trained baby, muzzle a little fine at the present but will mature . BPIS 2.Bethell’s, Minforst Galadriel. 10 Month old pale wheaten lovely head and dark eye, feminine expression , good outline and condition, would have liked a better tail and set , she was agitated by the room and was reluctant to put her tail up, but eventually put her tail up and moved OK. 3. Cale, Stirling & Dobson’s, Arnscroft Bibbity Bobity Bu. 10 month old very pale wheaten , symmetrical, nice head and good pigment, very feminine, not the movement of 1.

Class 13. Junior Bitch (2) No Absentees. 1. Crocker’s, Knytshall Noor Ul Ain. As before. 2.Cale, Stirling & Dobson’s, Arnscroft Bibbity Bobity Bu. Moved better this time not so agitated.

Class 14. Yearling Bitch. (2) No Absentees. 1. Garvie’s, Rhialis Lucina. 19 month old wheaten , good bone, slightly longer cast although strong in build, good head , pigment and expression, good tail and set, moved well in profile. 2. Cale, Stirling & Dobson’s, Arnscroft Bibbity Bobity Bu. As before.

Class 15. Novice Bitch.(2) No Absentees. 1. Bethell’s, Minforst Galadriel. 2. Cobb, Cobb & Kent’s, Knytshall Moon Of Josephine. 10 month old black bitch sister to Noor Ul Ain, I would like to see this one again once matured she is disproportioned at present due to immaturity.

Class 16. Post Graduate Bitch (No Entries)

Class 17. Limit Bitch (4) No Absentees. 1.Cobb,Cobb & Kent’s, Knytshall Angel Delight. 3 year old pale wheaten, lightly built, good pigment, would have liked shorter couplings, lovely head and dark eye, head proportions good, alert, used her ears, good temperament, well trained. 2. Butterworth’s, Rikarlo Henrietta. 3 year old wheaten, fit’s the standard, head of even wedge shape, well proportioned, fore quarters legs lean straight and strong, well boned, hind quarters strong, slightly angulated , ears mobile. movement OK. 3.Smith, Deucher & Deucher’s, Kimura’s Tyra at Arnscroft (IMP NOR) 3 Year old pale wheaten, good coat and condition, correct dentition, good pigment, pretty head, nice shoulder placement, would have liked a better tail and set, not enough strength to rear quarters for me.

Class 18. Open Bitch (7) 1.Absentee. 1. Shorer, Wheeler & Bolton’s, CH Maidofcopper for Koromandel (IMP FIN) 21 month old wheaten bitch a cracker and what a picture of health, neat feet, good tail, short level top line, ticks my box, but must be shown four square when being shown. Moved well. RBCC. 2. Garvie’s, CH Rhialis Psyche SHCH. 3 year old wheaten another pretty bitch, lovely, good pigment, head and eye, best of ears, overall good outline, good high set tail and good curl, shown in good condition, slightly over angulated at the rear. 3. Rumsey’s, Arnscroft Di Nah-May 4 year old wheaten, slightly longer cast than 1, good level top line, good reach of neck, nice head and expression, moved OK.

Class 19. Veteran Bitch (4) 1 Absentee. 1. Evans, Cross, Houston & Stewart’s, CH/IRE CH Arnscroft Di Di Di Delilah. 9 year old, quality wheaten with good pigment, well put together , best of heads, used her ears, good tail and set, squarely built well ribbed and feminine, this is how they should be, this bitch just flowed around the ring keeping her level top line. BCC, RBOB, BVIS 2. Cobb, Cobb & Kent’s, CH Trelowen Veryan to Knytshall. Another good bitch, 9 year old pale wheaten, feminine dark eyes and lovely expression, used her ears, right proportions, good neck to top line, well set tail, moved really well. 3. Norman’s, Marambu Tamnavulin. 9and a half year old pale wheaten, best of heads, good bone especially legs and feet, ears very mobile moved well for her age.

Class 20. Special Vintage (1) No Absentees. 1. Norman’s, Tokyn Keeva Of Marambu. 14 years young, full of beans! Pale wheaten , lovely head, daughter to sp vintage winner, wonderful temperament, mobile ears good feet for age, on the move straight going, good side action.



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