Show Date: Saturday 3rd June 2017
Results and Critiques:
Many thanks to the Committee for giving me this opportunity to judge in this SCCA Championship show. I had a really interesting weekend and I really enjoyed judging. Many thanks to the exhibitors for bringing your dogs under me. A lovely ring side atmosphere made for a nice weekend. Many thanks to my efficient stewards for keeping everything on track.
PD 1 Sturtmoor Eeza Geeza At Buhcafrey. Very promising 9 months old puppy dog. Excellent proportions and lovely outline. Well developed head with nice expression. Typical high placed ears. Excellent pigmentation. Excellent high set tail. Good coat. Steady mover, just needs to tighten in front. BP, BD, BOB.
VD 1 Ch Ailort Highlander At Parvodene JW ShCM. In excellent condition presented veteran dog. Beautiful balanced outline, but would like him a little shorter. Well placed ears, excellent pigmentation and expression. Good level topline and high tail set. Loved his style and attitude on the move. RBD, BV.
GCD 1 Ch Ailort Highlander At Parvodene JW ShCM. RBD BV. 2 Knytshall Noor Ul Ain. Well balanced with correct profile. Would prefer a little more bone. Typical wedge shaped head, enough broad between ears. Good expression. Tail could be set a little bit higher. Moved well. RBB.
JB 1 Sturtmoor’s Eezee Luvva. Very well developed 9 months old bitch. Very feminine. Pleasing overall balance. Excellent head with beautiful dark eyes. Well set ears. Well angulated. Very good coat. Moved very well, but could carry her tail better. BB.
Pirjo Aaltonen