THREE COUNTIES CH SHOW 05/06/2014 Norwegian Buhunds
Norwegian Buhunds
Such happy dogs with sporting exhibitors, whose enthusiastic applause for all placements made the day so enjoyable. Why this breed is not more popular is a mystery! They are utterly charming, friendly & eager to please, of a convenient size with a comparatively easy-to keep coat. What more could anyone want?
PD (1) 1 Pentland’s Sturtmoor Destiny’s Day, confident well balanced black who, at just 8 months old, is already such a smart sophisticated showman in excellent coat & hard muscular condition. Good head & eye with a most intelligent expression, good mouth & well laid shoulder, just needs to curl his tail a little tighter. Super sound & positive on the move. JD (1) 1 Bethell’s Zodiac’s Featuring Fredrik at Taevas, lovely head & eye along with a bright alert expression when he tries! Good pigment, coat & topline. A steady mover, who went well. PGD (0). OD (3,1a) A case of being spoilt for choice between two outstanding dogs who, it transpired, are litter brothers. 1 Dobson, Cale & Evans’ Arnscroft Di To Be A Sailor, lovely head, eye & expression, so typey, fit, masculine & well made all through with good feet & tail. Just marginally scored on shoulder but this was splitting the proverbial hairs. This confident showman went beautifully, covering ground in profile. BD & BOB; 2 Shorer-Wheeler, Wheeler & Gillies’ Ch Arnscroft Di Na Mo Farrah of Koromandel, he too was so good for make, shape & type with beautiful head, & well set, tightly curled tail, in splendid coat & hard condition, so very similar to his brother that virtually all the same remarks apply. This one was just a touch more positive behind. RBD.
PB (1) 1 Smith, Deuchar & Deuchar’s Kimura Tyra at Arnscroft, charming & feminine with the wow factor! Already, at 9 months holding herself with such pride. Gorgeous head, eye, expression & pigment with excellent mouth, coat & condition. So good for type, make &, shape with well laid shoulder. Covering ground in profile if, rightly, still a touch babyish in movement. Most exciting. BP. JB (1) 1 Cobb & Kent’s Knytshall Angel Delight, good pigment & topline with lovely dark, well shaped, expressive eyes. Went well in front but could do with more muscle to firm up behind. PGB (1) 1 K Angel Delight. OB (4,1) 1 Cale, Pentland & Norman’s Ch Arnscroft Kiss And Tell Di for Sturtmoor, just gorgeous with beautiful head & eye, in hard muscular condition & mature coat with well set & tightly curled tail. Well made all through with good layback of shoulder. Full of herself & her own importance, a great showgirl & a very good mover; 2 Pentland’s Bernegarden’s Reve Enka Av Sturtmoor, another lovely bitch with well textured coat, if little of it! Well balanced with lovely head, eye, expression & pigment with excellent topline & tail. She went well. RBB; 3 Cobb & Kent’s Ch Trelowen Veryan to Knytshall.