Norwegian Buhund

Windsor Championship Show

Show Date:    Sunday 2nd July 2017

Postal Entries Close On:

Online Entries Close On:    26/05/2017

Judge:    *Frank Kane

Results and Critiques


BEST OF BREED:  8346 SHORER-WHEELER, Mrs J & WHEELER, Mr I & GILLIES Ch Arnscroft Di Na Mo Farrah Of Koromandel JW Sh.C
Dog CC : 8346 SHORER-WHEELER, Mrs J & WHEELER, Mr I & GILLIES Ch Arnscroft Di Na Mo Farrah Of Koromandel JW Sh.C
Res Dog CC : 8339 DOBSON, Mr & Mrs A & S & CALE, Mrs S & EVANS Mrs Ch & Ir Ch Arnscroft Di To Be A Sailor Ir J Ch
Bitch CC : 8332 COBB, Mrs J J & Mr M J L & KENT Mrs N C Knytshall Angel Delight RL1Ex
Res Bitch CC : 8330 CALE, Mrs S & STIRLING, Mrs D & DOBSON Mr A & Mr Arnscroft Bibbity Bobity Bu
Best Puppy : 8341 LAMBERT Mrs C T Sturtmoor’s Eezee Luvva
Best Veteran : 8331 COBB, Mrs J J & Mr M J L & KENT Mrs N C Ch Trelowen Veryan To Knytshall

Class 2362 VD/B (4 Entries) Abs: 1 
1st: 8331 COBB, Mrs J J & Mr M J L & KENT Mrs N C Ch Trelowen Veryan To Knytshall
2nd: 8336 CROSS, EVANS, HOUSTON, & STEWART Ch Ir Ch Arnscroft Di Di Di Delilah
3rd: 8343 NORMAN Mrs M Marambu Tamnavulin

Class 2363 PD (1 Entries) Abs: 0 
1st: 8340 HOOD, Mr N & GLAHOLM, Mr P & WILDIG Miss S Sturtmoor Eeza Geeza At Buhcafrey

Class 2364 JD (1 Entries) Abs: 0 
1st: 8350 STONTON Miss S Arnscroft In Di Ana Jack

Class 2365 PGD (1 Entries) Abs: 0 
1st: 8342 MAYNARD Mrs C M Knytshall Black Orloff

Class 2366 LD (3 Entries) Abs: 0 
1st: 8347 SMITH Ms A Arnscroft Never Say Di
2nd: 8334 COOK Mr K I & Mrs P E Arnscroft Di Ablo
3rd: 8329 BUTLER Ms D Arnscroft Aces Hi Di Of Telstar

Class 2367 OD (3 Entries) Abs: 0 
1st: 8339 DOBSON, Mr & Mrs A & S & CALE, Mrs S & EVANS Mrs Ch & Ir Ch Arnscroft Di To Be A Sailor Ir J Ch
2nd: 8337 DEELEY Ms D Can & Am Grand Ch Kyon’s Bold Norseman
3rd: 8333 COE Mrs S Trelowen Big Daddy

Class 2368 GCDorB (4 Entries) Abs: 1 
1st: 8346 SHORER-WHEELER, Mrs J & WHEELER, Mr I & GILLIES Ch Arnscroft Di Na Mo Farrah Of Koromandel JW Sh.C
2nd: 8335 CROCKER Miss S Knytshall Noor Ul Ain
3rd: 8343 NORMAN Mrs M Marambu Tamnavulin

Class 2369 PB (1 Entries) Abs: 0 
1st: 8341 LAMBERT Mrs C T Sturtmoor’s Eezee Luvva

Class 2370 JB NO ENTRIES 

Class 2371 PGB (2 Entries) Abs: 0 
1st: 8335 CROCKER Miss S Knytshall Noor Ul Ain
2nd: 8327 BETHELL Mrs B M E & Mr A E Minforst Galadriel

Class 2372 LB (3 Entries) Abs: 0 
1st: 8332 COBB, Mrs J J & Mr M J L & KENT Mrs N C Knytshall Angel Delight RL1Ex
2nd: 8330 CALE, Mrs S & STIRLING, Mrs D & DOBSON Mr A & Mr Arnscroft Bibbity Bobity Bu
3rd: 8348 SMITH, Ms A & DEUCHAR, Mrs M & DEUCHAR Miss D Kimura Tyra At Arnscroft

Class 2373 OB (3 Entries) Abs: 2 
1st: 8328 BETHELL Mrs B M E & Mr A E Lux Ch Int Ch Arnscroft Glad Di Ola At Minforst


Thank you for an interesting entry for my first time awarding Challenge Certificates in the breed. Many thanks to my stewards.

VD/B (4, 1) 1 Cobb & Kent’s Ch Trelowen Veryan To Knytshall. 8 years, lovely breed type and the best mover in the class. Not in her best coat but lovely proportions and tail. Excellent head. Her eyes could be a shade darker. 2 Cross, Evans, Houston & Stewart’s Ch Arnscroft Di Di Di Delilah. 9 years, lovely standing with good leg length and good tail and correct angulation of the quarters. Just shows her age in front action. In better coat than the winner but not as firm in topline. 3 Norman’s Marambu Tamnavulin.

PD (1) 1 Hood, Glaholm & Wildig’s Sturtmoor Eeza Geeza At Buhcafrey. 10 months, excellent shape and proportions. Very good head, eye and ears. Correct angulation in front but needs to develop a little more chest and this shows in his front action. Tail set a little low. I’d prefer a touch more rear angulation.

JD (1) 1 Stonton’s Arnscroft In Di Ana Jack. 15 months, very good outline standing. Has an excellent forehand and this shows in his clean front action. Very good head, eye, ears and pigmentation. A touch over angulated in the rear and so loses a little of his height at the wither when he moves. Has a lot of quality.

PGD (1) 1 Maynard’s Knytshall Black Orloff. 19 months black, top sized dog with very good profile and good coat and excellent rear action. A little strong in skull and eyes could be darker. Correct in bone. He could be shorted in the couplings and higher set in the tail.

LD (3) 1 Smith’s Arnscroft Never Say Di. 18 months, tall dog but the best for balance and topline in this class. Good quarters. Could be stronger in topline when he moves. 2 Cook’s Arnscroft Di Ablo. 4 years, also tall and a touch heavier in body then the winner. Better head than the winner but his eyes are lighter. A touch slack on the move. 3 Butler’s Arnscroft Aces Hi Di Of Telstar.

OD (3) 1 Dobson, Cale & Evans’ Ch Arnscroft Di To Be A Sailor. 4 years old, best for shape and balance and held his topline on the move. His front action could be better as he has loose elbows. Scored in good profile action. 2 Deeley’s Ch Kyon’s Bold Norseman. 6 years, lovely head, better front action than the winner but not the firmness of topline on the day and not carrying his tail well. 3 Coe’s Trelowen Big Daddy.

GCD/B (4, 1) 1 Shorer-Wheeler, Wheeler & Gillies’ Ch Arnscroft Di Na Mo Farrah Of Koromandel JW ShCM. 3 years, not in coat, but he stood out for shape and balance. Good mover. Very good tail. 2 Crocker’s Knytshall Noor Ul Ain. See PGB. 3 Norman’s Marambu Tamnavulin.

PB (1) 1 Lambert’s Sturtmoor’s Eezee Luvva. 11 months, a touch long for balance, but she is very well made and moves well. Tail could be tighter. Beautiful head and eyes.

PGB (2) 1 Crocker’s Knytshall Noor Ul Ain. 2 Bethell’s Minforst Galadriel. 19 months, completely out of coat and looking far from her best. Lean head and good ears. Better tail than the winner but the set could be better. Moved briskly and accurately.

LB (3) Close decision. 1 Cobb & Kent’s Knytshall Angel Delight. 3 years, lovely size, coat, tail, head and movement. Scored in feet here. I’d prefer a little more leg for perfect balance. Scored in maturity of body to win this and CC. 2 Cale, Stirling & Dobson’s Arnscroft Bibbity Bobity Bu. 19 months, I loved her legginess and head. Excellent tail. She is just a little immature and looks the teenager at the moment but should have a great future. RCC. 3 Smith, Deuchar & Deuchar’s Kimura Tyra At Arnscroft.

OB (3, 2) 1 Bethell’s Ch Arnscroft Glad Di Ola At Minforst. 5 years, in good coat. Very good head and eyes. Carrying a little too much weight which showed in topline and movement.

Frank Kane