The club held its second Ch show of the year on 19th October at Bearley Village Hall Strafford upon Avon. This was a standalone event and a new venue for the club show, as it is more central for most exhibitors than the previous venue, with exhibitors spread all over the country. It was not completely new to us as we did have a BAD there some years ago. The back of the hall opens out to a large field where the show could be held in the summer if the weather was good, but not in October especially when there had been heavy rain the night before. The ring was marked off with bunting of Norwegian Flags, the Trophy Table was covered with a cloth containing the affixes of all the breeders past and present, with thanks as always to Jacqui Cobb for looking after the trophies. The judge’s table also had a tablecloth with affixes and looked very attractive with all the colourful rosettes, waiting to be handed out. Many thanks to Penny Roberts for stewarding, she judged our open show at Boston this year, she was assisted by Sam Guillod -Rees, with Isaac Shorer Wheeler taking photographs. Thanks to everyone who brought gifts for the raffle, and huge thanks to Kirsty’s son Alex who did a fantastic job selling tickets making £159, the shop also made £41.50. From the 1st of Jan this year KC introduced classes for Puppies 4-6 months they run as proper classes, but the winners go no further in the show. Having two litters that were not quite 6 months it was wonderful to be able to have 2 classes, adding to the great total of 45 Buhunds entered in the show.
The judge for the main show was Chris John (Christakell) who has been involved in dogs for well over 35 years breeding and showing Alaskan Malamutes, giving CCs in the breed since they had Ch status in 2006. She also gives CCs in Bernese Mountain Dogs, Newfoundlands and Siberian Huskies, first giving CCs in Buhunds at WKC in August 2019.She has also been a KC Field Officer for over 15yrs.
It turned out to be a day to remember for Kirsty Irvine and her Ch Blackcombe Bodil At Tapui (Imp Aus) (Bodi), the lady from down under who was BIS also gaining her 6th CC, she also has 4RCCs. She won her crown while still a junior. This was her first show this year having been on maternity duty, those of you who are club members will have received your Bu news where Kristy writes about her travels to Norway with Bodi to meet her intended Harry(Nor Ch Kimura’s Harlad Harfagre), the union produced 6 puppies 4 of which were in the Baby Puppy classes, with one being Best BPIS and one being Reserve BPIS, two of the puppies are featured on the front cover of our 2025 calendar. Bodi is by Aus Ch Kyon’s Urban Legend x Nor/Aus Ch Rennedal’s Brynhild Skjoldmoy. RBCC her 4th Sue Crocker’s Knytshall Noor Ul Ain (Noor) she also has a CC and is by Knytshall Diamond Ted x Ch Trollheimen Elske To Knytshall (Imp US) she was also BVB & BVIS & Best Black In Show
BPB & RBPIS Sarah Stonton’s Wheatshade Snow Dreamer (Pixie) she is by Sarah’s Ch Arnscroft In Di Ana Jack x Kata Syndattir Av Fjeldvidda At Wheatshade (Imp Nld). Best BBP & Reserve BBPIS Kirsty Irvine’s Tapui Herja (Hari) by Nor Ch Kimura’s Harlad Harfagre x Ch Blackcombe Bodil At Tapui (Imp Aus) who at a later date will follow her dam’s trip in reverse going to live down under with Bodi’s breeder Roberta Crouch. BOSIS, RBIS & DCC his first he also has 1RCC Lesley & Liz Butterworth’s homebred Kligenthal Einar a.i (Ruskin)by Klovyn Yggdrasil Von Koekies Ranch x Ch Gild The Lily. RDCC his 5th he also has 20 CCs Jenny Shorer Wheelers homebred Ch Koromandel Tusen Takk JW (ai)(Muchly)he is by Multi Ch JR Made For Cascilius x Sturtmoor’s Ffascination With Koromandel. BDP & BPIS Millie Lambert’s homebred 6month old Sturtmoor Gon’n Dun It (Gunna) he is by Draccus Diamond Day ‘O’ Bucafrey x Ch Sturtmoors Free ‘N’Eezee. BVD & RBVIS Jacqui & Michael Cobb and Nancy Kent’s Ch Koromandel Best Served Cold At Knytshall (Jamie), he has 17CCs & 16 RCCs and is by Multi Ch Kyons’ Bold Norseman x Ch Maidofcopper For Kormandel JW (Imp Fin). Best Black Dog Jacqui & Michael Cobb and Nancy Kent’s Leggatts Dakota At Knytshall (Toby) by Ch Rikarlo Gable JW x Knytshall Noor Ul Ain. Best BPD & Best BPIS Cheryl Denham -Horton & Lorraine Bolton’s Tapui Haraldsson At Jjavacobe (Hogan)by Nor Ch Kimura’s Harlad Harfagre x Ch Blackcombe Bodil At Tapui (Imp). Being a club Ch there were extra classes. Brace was won by Sue Crocker’s Brace. Winner of Special Beginners Lucy Gilbert’s Leggatts Fly Like An Eagle (Zuki)Toby’s litter sister by Ch Rikarlo Gable JW x Knytshall Noor Ul Ain. Special Bred By Exhibitor. Millie Lambert’s Sturtmoor Gon’n Dun It (Gunna) Special Not Bred By Exhibitor Dr Jo, Nicholas and Bethany Guillod -Rees Draccus Obsidian (Ruby) by Ch Rikarlo Gable JW x Ch Leggatts Dancing Queen With Draccus. Then there were the ‘Best Of’ for the Trophies.
BP Millie Lambert’s Sturtmoor Gon’n Dun It (Gunna) BJ &BY Marie Corin & Adam Camm’s Mazads Nom De Plume (Dexter) by Ch Kligenthal Almuric x Gladidegelli Arvejente For Rikarlo. BPG Lesley & Liz Butterworth’s Kligenthal Einar (ai) BL Draccus Obsidian (Ruby). B.Champion Kirsty Irvine’s Ch Blackcombe Bodil At Tapui (Imp Aus)(Bodi). Best Working Lucy Gilbert’s Leggatts Fly Like An Eagle (Zuki). Best Black Sue Crocker’s Knytshall Noor Ul Ain (Noor) Best Special Vintage Veteran Lorraine Bolton’s Odin Ved Rikarlo by Nor Ch Cascilus Bono Bolivar x Vaalebjonn’s NS Pirita(Odin).At lunch time Nancy worked her magic in the kitchen with the food donations everyone brought and the sandwiches Lisa had collected on route to the show. After lunch and before the main show started again, we had 3 Special Award Classes. These are separate from the main show and are judged by an experienced judge, who needs a certain number of dogs to go over before moving up to award CCs in the breed. There is no BD or BB just the winners of the three classes. The judge was Marina White (Belsmard) who gives CCs in Beagles, Newfoundlands, Siberian Huskies, Bearded Collies, Border Collies and Finnish Lapphunds. Her Open Dog winner was Millie Lambert’s Sturtmoor Gon’n Dun It (Gunna). Open Bitch Kirsty Irvine’s Ch Blackcombe Bodil At Tapui (Imp Aus). Ch Dog /Ch Bitch Jacqui & Michael Cobb and Nancy Kent’s Ch Koromandel Best Served Cold At Knytshall (Jamie).
On a personal note, I was unable to go to the show but Lisa did a fantastic job sending me photos of the placings, so that I could keep the results updated on the forum, they are also now on the website.
I finish with a comment made after the show by our Chaiman Kirsty, who thanked Jenny for being such an outstanding secretary and making the show such a success, she said it ran very smoothly with a terrific atmosphere, everyone worked together very well and produced a very well-run friendly show. She finished by thanking everyone saying it was pleasure to be the club’s Chairman.
Margaret Deuchar