When I first came into the breed Leeds Ch show had Buhund classes, but over the years with falling entries especially when Pastoral day was on a Monday the breed was taken off. South Wales Ch show then lost its usual venue and moved to Builth Wells in October, leaving a gap in the summer show diary which Leeds filled, doing away with Monday show days. In 2019 the KC introduced six new all-breed Ch shows as part of a three-year trial, that of course was before Covid. Leeds was one to become an All -Breed show so we once again had classes there and with CCs. They also completely changed the show lay out having the in/out rings with the benches behind. It runs over 3 days, BIS did not end till 8pm on the last day this year, so whether it remains as 3 days we will see, but of course adding an extra day I am sure would be costly. Pastoral Day was Sunday 28th July along with the Working and Terrier Groups. We were second in the ring after 15 Giant Schnauzers going in just before 10am, so just missing the heat of the day. Our judge was Albert Wight who last judged the breed at SKC in Sept 2021 and gives CCs in 92 breeds across all the groups except for Gundogs. This was his 17th time of judging the breed and he found his BOB & DCC his 18th in Jenny Shorer-Wheeler’s Ch Koromandel Tusen Takk JW (ai)(Muchly) he also has 4RCCS, he is by Trollheimens JR Made For Cascillus x Sturtmoor Ffacination With Koromandel. He was later shortlisted in the Pastoral Group under Derek Allsop. RDCC his 5th Mary & Coralie Dosson’s Kligenthal Bran Mak (Teddy) by Ch Arnscroft Di Na Mo Farrah Of Koromandel (JW)(SHCM) x Ch Koromandel Gild The Lily. BPD & BP Mary & Coralie’s Leggatts Part Time Lover (Barnaby)who is Teddy’s son x Leggatts Noor Ul Ain he has 3RCCs and was later short listed in the Puppy Group under Steve Hall. BV& BCC her 4th she also has 4RCCs Lesley and Liz Butterworth’s Ch Koromandel Gild The Lily (Hildy) (Teddy’s dam) by Ch /Can Ch Kyon’s Bold Norseman x Ch Maidofcopper For Koromandel JW. RBCC her 9th Michael Patrick and Leigh Ashman’s Ch Tapui Starla (Freya) she also has 7CCs and is by Ch Koromandel Best Served Cold At Knytshall x Ch Kimura’s Vera At Tapui (Imp Nor). BPB Debbie Fleming’s Leggatts Isn’t She Lovley Of Ailort (Quinn) she is Barnaby’s litter sister. Mary Dosson had a long day leaving home at 3am but with a RCC and a BP who was shortlisted I sure the journey home did not seem so long.
The same weekend there were 2 Bumbles one on Saturday at Virginia Water part of Windsor Great Park organised by Tash Howard -Lacey and Rich Lacey they took Waffle aka as Frostisen Yanky, the others with their dogs enjoying the Bumble were , Marie Corin with Bergen aka Ch Kligenthal Almuric and Bergen’s son Dexter aka Mazads Nom De Plume, Sharon & John Gover with Wheatshade Earle and their Pomsky Smudge pretending to be a Buhund, and Carole Andrews and Anita Thomson with Vicky their rescue Buhund who they have had since she was 10 months nearly 7 years ago ,she came from the Hillingdon Branch of the RSPCA who knew very little about apart from saying she had been abandoned. The following day Lisa Strong took her three, Raven aka as I Have A Dream and her dam Eris aka as Ch Leggatts Dancing Queen At Draccus and Loki to a Bumble she had organised at Attenborough Nature Reserve not far from Nottingham City centre, it was opened in 1966 by David Attenborough and has around 500,000 visitors each year and is known for having over 250 bird species. Others enjoying the Bumble were Robbie and Kier Jones and family with Otto, aka Frostisen Yenga, Penny & Tom Glibbery with Indy aka Rikarlo Grant and puppy Daisy aka Tapui Haldis and two honorary Buhunds the pugs Lily & Harvey, Apollo aka Sturtmoor God of the Sky was another puppy that came along with owners Kelcey Paterson and Daryl. Looking at the photos they all had a great time on both Bumbles and what a fantastic way to socialise the puppies.
Five days on from Leeds, Pastoral day was Friday at Paignton Ch show held at Westpoint Clyst St Mary Exeter, the show also has Championship Obedience,Agility and Hoopers. Last year the show suffered some very wet weather but this year the heat was more of a problem certainly on the Friday. The show was benched with the popular in/out rings, we were second in the ring after 74 Shetland Sheepdogs. The judge was Gary Clarke who gives CCs in 8 Pastoral Breeds and last judged the breed at National Working And Pastoral Breeds Society open show on 12th February 2022, there he awarded Shorer-Wheeler’s Koromandel Tusen Takk JW (ai)(Muchly)BP now a Ch, Muchly was BD and BOB and was later shortlisted in the group under Patsy Hollings. RBD & BDP Mary & Coralie’s Leggatts Part Time Lover (Barnaby)BB. Jenny’s Sturtmoor Ffacination With Koromandel she is Muchly’s dam, RBB &BV Sue Crockers Leggatts Noor Ul Ain (Noor). BBP & BP Sue’s Leggatts Superstition (Franny), Barnaby’s litter sister. I cannot finish talking about Paignton with out mentioning Miranda Taylor -Smith’s Ch Ailort Just In Time(Bulah), who happily moved round the ring giving no indication that she will be 16yrs in October, such a great ambassador for the breed.
Mary & Coralie’s Kligenthal Bran Mak (Teddy) was third in the Trevor Rowe Memorial Stakes under Mrs Hilary Male.
Another clear eye test this time for Andrea & Andrew Platts Mazads Joie de Vivre (Luna) born on 27/05/2023 by Ch Kligenthal Almuric x Gladidegelli Arvejente For Rikarlo (AI) This was her first test
Lisa &Alex Strong’s Draccus I Have A Dream (AI) Raven born on 24/04/2023 by Zeal Loke x Ch Leggatts Dancing Queen At Draccus has had a great hip score of 8. 4/4
Finally, congratulations to Mary & Coralie as Barnaby is Top Puppy halfway leader in the Our Dogs and Purina Pro Plan competition.
Margaret Deuchar
Any views expressed in Margaret’s Breed Notes are hers and hers alone and do not necessarily reflect the views of the Norwegian Buhund Club of the UK